Monday, April 18, 2011


Tonight is the start of Passover, and my rabbi friend has taught me the holiday's true meaning. Of course, on a basic level (the simple son gets this) the holiday is to remember the Jews' escape from the slavery of Egypt, and the Big Man's leading his Chosen Peeps to the Promised Land (after 40 years, pre GPS, and the only damn part of the area without oil).

But the deeper, more contemporary meaning, is for each of us to recognize what we are slaves to, what constrains us, and to seek emancipation from our own prisons. Of course, as my contributions to the Rabbi have diminished, so too have his lessons to me, but this is one of several that resonated and remain with me.

Of course, the ultimate freedom is freedom with one's time. Having relative freedom from financial worries doesn't suck, of course, but time is our most precious possession.

Most of my life, I woke up and my time was spoken for. First it was school (from age 5 to 25) and later job. There were places I HAD to be; a small minority of my time was truly my own.

For the past several months, I wake up, and seldom have a place I HAVE to be. The Ds are grown, Wifey is independent, and Stuart is running the daily operations of what's left of my law firm.

Today, for example. We're invited to Eric and Dana's for First Seder, and we don't have to leave for Boca (via Brickell, to pick up D1 and her Hoosier friend) until 4 pm or so. My only other task is buying a birthday gift for Eric's boy Josh, who turns 17 today.

Buying a gift used to be something hurriedly done --dash into a store on the way home --dash out. Today I can savor the simple task, and I plan to.

Ah, Josh. What a kid he is! I'm so blessed with my adopted nephews --Barry and Eric's boys. Josh is a 4.0 student, and best golfer in his school. He's currently visiting colleges, all of which want him --both for his golf game and his academic game. I tell him all the time he's his father with better athletic skills and a better personality. A true joy of a young man...

I AM starting to get a bit bored not working. I guess I AM too young to retire. I plan to figure out my next career move over this Summer.

For today, though, I take the lesson of Passover to heart, and embrace, and am thankful for my freedom with time.

The sun is shining brilliantly after a night of rain. The air is washed and pure.

Now --what is the perfect place to buy that Canes hoodie for young Josh?

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