Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Walking the 'Hood on a Chilly Evening

The Ds left for a sisterly shopping trip, and Wifey was out with her friend Elizabeth, so I decided to saddle up the aging Labrador and go for a walk around my neighborhood.

I've been too lazy the past months. I realized I hadn't taken the walk in too long, even though the cooler weather has been perfect for constitutionals. So I began the 1.1 mile loop.

It was glorious. I'm so blessed, and one of my blessings is to live where I do. It's truly a tropical garden, with each house different, and diversity of people. I never get bored of walking here.

I passed Steve, a 30 something neighbor, out with his little boy. They were riding scooters, and the boy wanted a "bigger hill." "Sorry, Parker," Steve said --"this one is the biggest we have!"

Honey the Lab and I continied on. We passed 3 pea hens. Honey ignored them, even though they squawked right in our path. They truly look like creatures Dr. Seuss would have drawn, and move so comically.

We turned another corner, and I heard another pleasant sound. A Dad was playing with his kids --roaring and chasing them around, as the children squealed with delight. I thought about playing "Pillow Monster" with the Ds, when they were 3 and 6. They'd sneak up to my bed, and I'd jump up out of the pillows, chasing them as they screamed with delight.

Ah, it's such a great thing to be able to control all the monsters in your child's life, and render them harmless...

The evening grew colder, and Honey and I entered our driveway. She peed in the same spot she does whenever we return home --marking her territory.

The Ds returned, and showed me what they bought. Wifey and Elizabeth followed soon after.

I'm starting my New Year's resolution now: more and faster walks though my 'hood.

I have miles to go before I sleep, and, hopefully, miles to go before I sleep.

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