Wednesday, November 17, 2010

First Job

So yesterday Stuart and I hosted Rabbi Yossi at the office. He came to bless Stuart's new operation. Somehow I ended up paying more for the blessings...

And it might have worked! Hours later, I had a phone conference with a Guardian Ad Litem on a minor child's case, and she said she'd approve a full fee for my firm. So there you go...

The Rabbi, like everyone else who learns that I'm giving up my office, asked what I planned to do professionally. I told him I had no idea.

So...ever the opportunist, he asked if I would write some "reflections" about his Congregation's 15th anniversary. I had my first writing assignment!

I dashed off my project early this morning. I thought about having the piece translated into Spanish, in keeping with the whole "Quince" theme, but I stayed in English.

It really IS remarkable that he and his family have been here a decade and a half. TIme flies. Sunrise, sunset...

Wifey and I greeted Rabbi Yossi and NEchama and their 1 year old boy, Mendel, on the sidewalk outside the rental house we offered to let. I went to shake Nechama's hand. She pulled it back, saying "We don't take hands." I had no earthly idea what she meant.

I learned later it was a modesty thing. You don't touch no women but your own! Hand shakes can lead to hugs which lead to well... It's no surprise they'd vote for Sarah Palin if they could.

Political differences aside...we've grown very close. They now have 7 kids, and the 8th is on the way. Amazing.

So, I've put in more time at the office than I have in the last month. I've had meeting each day.

Tomorrow I'll stay home for the computer man, Carlos, to reconfigure some stuff for us.

And to keep me blogging the crappy blog!

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