Sunday, July 18, 2010

My 50th Year

So today I begin my 50th year on this planet, and things are pretty damn fine. Those on my responsibility plate are all doing well. That's foremost to me.

I woke up like most Sundays, and read my two papers while drinking my strong, black coffee. I reflected on those folks who used to be a part of my life and no longer are, and concluded my life is just fine without them! Matter of fact, like a shark that loses a few ramoras --I'm swimming more swiftly these days.

The Ds and Wifey wanted to go to watch the Doggy Days at Merrick Park, so off we went. It was hot, but a ton of laughs.

D1 entered Madeleine the Spaniel into the "Best Dressed" category, and put an Alice in Wonderland dress on her. Alas, some smaller dog with a full Carmen Miranda ensemble beat out little Mads. Mads didn't seem to mind.

We ditched the dog at home and went to Flanagans for dinner. I had some fine shrimp, steamers, and a grilled chicken salad, as I'm avoiding the carbs this week to fit well into my 10 year old tuxedo for a NYC wedding.

All in all a birthday just as I like it: little fanfare and fuss.

If I'm privileged to begin my 51st year next July --maybe I'll have a big party. We'll see...

So, all's well in Miami in the Dog Days, literally.

Bruce was right --you just need a little of that human touch, and I'm blessed to have a LOT of it...

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