Sunday, May 16, 2010

Food Issues

Today's Times Obit section has 2 prominent entries: both lawyers who went on to different careers. The first fellow, Lamotta, died at 67 of a heart attack. He was the inventor of the Chipwich, the delicious ice cream sandwich Wifey and I used to buy in the 80s.

The second lawyer, whose name I forgot, because he's not the cousin of a famous boxer, died at 72, also of a heart attack. He left the Law and became a proponent of "healthy eating." I assume he didn't advocate chipwiches. Was a presumably acetic life worth an additional 5 years? I guess you'd have to have asked them.

Last week, I was relaying the story of my father's death to my law partner Paul. Paul's turning 60 soon, so to cheer him up, I reminded him that my father died at 63. As I told the tale, a detail I knew but never thought about became clear: my father's last meal was fish.

He hated fish. My Dad was a classic meat and potatoes guy. To him, a good corned beef sandwich was food heaven. Still, at the doctor's office on the day he died, the idiot Internist, Jules Heller, told him he ought to eat more fish. My Dad listened, and at the cafeteria where he had what turned out to be his final meal, he ordered fish.

Ironically, he enjoyed his final meal less than a condemned man would have! Oh well...

That said, I'm still watching my carbs, and continuing to lose weight. I have pizza (my favorite) every once in awhile, but I've been trying to stick more to chicken and salads. But not all the time. Every once in awhile, there's a chipwich with my name on it...

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