Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hey It's good to Be Back Home Again

I used to love John Denver's songs when I was younger. I still do. He's one of my guilty pleasures --sort of like enjoying Neil Diamond, which I do as well.

Denver's "Back Home Again" always seemed, to me, to capture the feeling of a house that's really welcoming and inviting for friends and family.

Last night, we celebrated PAssover, such as it was. By popular demand, we have, over time, eliminated most, if not all, of the religious part of this family dinner. When the Ds were young, and we had them in Hebrew School, we felt some inexplainable compulsion to follow the religion more closely. (My Rabbi friend would say it WAS explainable --I was listening to God, and now I've covered my ears again).

Whatever. We had both grandmas, grandpa, my sister and brother in law over for dinner. There was matzah, and Jewish foods, but no actual seder.

If I'm wrong about this whole observance thing, I guess there'll be an audible "Oh Shit!" at the end of my life.

Anyway --we had a lovely time, and D1 made a surprise appearance! She flew in from Jacksonville, where she spent some time with her boyfriend. Wifey and D2 were thrilled. I was, too, but D1 had told me of the secret trip a few days ago, so I wasn't surprised.

Grandpa and Grandma Sunny are, sadly, not looking too good. When I walked my mother to her car, I circled her bicep with my thinb and forefinger. She's really shrinking and wasting.

For now, though, we're thrilled to have another holiday together.

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