Sunday, November 2, 2008

Best Halloween Ever

So I voted Friday, and then headed out to buy a few pumpkins to carve. When I was a kid, Halloween was my favorite holiday, since I loved to be scared, and I had a fascination with the whole pagan Celtic thing.

As a teen, my friends and I would have parties, and then go out with eggs for some light vandalism against the houses of mean neighbors, or girls who rejected us. One year, I nearly escaped death. I was probably 13 or 14, and as I walked down the streets, pockets bulging with eggs, a police cruiser came by. The Nassau police would stop all adolescents on Halloween, and pat us down, to break any eggs we were carrying. I stashed the eggs in the open metal bottom of a streetlight.

The police car stopped, and the officer exited, and sure enough patted us down for the offending weapons. My friends and I smirked. In my memory, the officer had a cliched Irish brogue. It was true that most of the cops were Irish, but by the 70s were 3rd or 4th generation American, and sounded more like Archie Bunker than the friendly officers of Warner Brothers movies.

Anyway, I reached in to retrieve my eggs, and got an electric shock that literally knocked my back 5 feet. Somehow, I wasn't electrocuted, and walked away stunned and amazed, from what was one of my first examples of the uncommonly good luck I'd see in my life.

Back to the present. I returned from an errand to Fox's Saloon, where I had left my credit card from the evening before (Wifey actually met a friend and I for drinks, midweek!), and walked into my kitchen. Standing there was D1, who had surprised us by coming home for the weekend! I was floored, and extremely happy to see her.

She went out to Coconut Grove that evening, but last night sat on the porch with Wifey and I , talking about ships and shoes and sealing wax...It was lovely.

She heads back to Gainesville today, and is due home again for Thanksgiving, also her 20th birthday! She asked: "So, Dad --how's it feel to have an almost 20 year old daughter?" It feels terrific, especially since I'm blessed with such a wonderful one.

She truly made my weekend with that surprise.

So, she's heading back to study more French, and Sociolinguistics, and other things. Most importantly, she continues her study of human nature --the most vital of academic pursuits.

When she returns, we'll have a new president, and hopefully things will be looking up for our country.

As for me, I'll still be treasuring this finest Halloween treat.

1 comment:

Monica said...

aw daddy :) you blogged about meee! this is a treat better than any flamingo's! i'm so happy i surprised the unsurpriseable man. love you!