Sunday, November 9, 2008

Old Friends

My oldest friend came yesterday for a visit. I met Eric when we were 8 --nearly 40 years ago! He's a computer engineer near Tampa, and married Jackie last year in a service on Key Biscayne, where I was the minister.

Eric and I grew up together on Long Island. We grew apart in our early 20s, around the time my father died, but now we see each other about once per year, and it's always pleasant.

He does contract work, and thinks employment is over rated. He earns enough in 6 onths to sustain him in his modest lifestyle (he and Jackie own a small condo in Tampa, and have no kids.) Jackie is a university professor, or was, and shares Eric's disdain for the rat race. They travel, kayak, enjoy their hobbies (Jackie sings ina choir; Eric's taken up the saxaphone, and buys and sells vintage instruments on Ebay). They're very laid back and happy --terrific house guests.

Last night we bought some sandwiches and wine and went to the Deering Estate for a jazz concert. It was positively delightful. The 4 of us lay on blankets, under the half moon, and actually snuggled and kissed. Then we danced to a sax player named Allbright, and a singer named Patti Austin.

Afterwards, we walked to the edge of the lagoon, and watched 2 boats get stuck on a sandbar, laughing as the captains cursed and tried to motor away. If there was a lovlier way to spend a Saturday night, I didn't know what it was.

This morning we had breakfast, and then Ken stopped by. Eric and I met KEn in junior high, and he lives here now. I tried to engage in some nostalgia, but Eric had none of it. IT turns out that his childhood was much less happy than I thought it was, and he chooses to leave it in the past...

He and Jackie drove off in the early afternoon. He figures it's time to go back to work in January, and Jackie will probably teach English composition online. After they replenish their savings, it'll be off next Summer, maybe to the South Pacific.

The two of them really seem to relish their marriage. I'm thrilled for them.

As Wifey and Jackie walked to the restroom last night, Eric and I lay on the blanket, looking at the night sky --the way we used to when we were 9 or 10. We always talked about many things.

Last night we realized we agreed on something 40 years after we became friends. One path to happiness is avoiding negative people, and surrounding oneself only with those who are happy.

Bravo, Eric! Mission accomplished.

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