Friday, October 31, 2008

The End of the Innocence

It's 6:10 am, and I'm waiting to head over to a local library to vote. The early voting station opens at 7, and I plan to be near the front of the line. I HATE lines. I hate them so much, I refuse to go, ever, to a theme park, where I'm asked to pay money to wait on lines.

Still, this election is pretty important, and I figure I can use one of my many episodes of insomnia for some civic good.

Regarding this whole campaign, to use my daughters' diction, I am, like, so over this whole thing.

Wifey continues to be obsessed with converting voters to Obama. She is blogging, watching CNN and Fox, and reading political crap constantly. Dr. Barry is truly worried about her --wondering if there's a post partum alalogue called post election blues.

It's nice to see her so excited about something, although catching her constantly staring and sighing at pictures of Obama is a bit disconcerting.

I get no respite at my office. A young criminal lawyer roommate, Todd, has been an active Obama campaigner since before anyone knew about Obama. I had a visit 2 days ago from a sweet young banker, classic 30 something Cuban American, FIU Finance degree, deadbeat husband at home --the whole cliche. Todd asked whether she had voted yet. No, she answered, but she was for McCain because Obama was a "socialist."

Todd leaped from his desk, and was literally in the young banker's face. She was almost physically afraid. He didn't, it appeared to me, change her mind.

Afterwards I pulled the Young Turk aside, and explained he had become exactly the type of repulsive zealot he lampooned all of the time, although on the Left instead of the Evangelical Christian Right.

I didn't change his view, either, and he said he wouldn't even talk to me until I early voted.

The nastiness is really enough, already, as my father might have said. I'll be thrilled when this is all over.

Then we can get back to discussing more pleasant and amicable things, like whether Jesus Christ was merely a hippie rabbi 2000 years ago, or truly a son of God...

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