Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

My cup truly runneth over this weekend. First, D1 came home from UF, and we spent a glorious day together. I had decided to buy her a watch for her 20th, which fell on Thanksgiving Day this year. I took her to a jeweler I know, and she picked out a used classic watch, and I had it inscribed for her.

I'm not into jewelry, but I am into time. To me, time is all we truly have, to spend, and to share. I guess the old English major in me is drawn to the metaphor of a timepiece --wearing time onone's wrist, as my old professor once remarked.

Anyway, D1 IS into jewelry, and really loves her new watch, whcih I hope she wears in good health forever.

We then went to a big box store, and bought D1 a new bedroom TV. The one she had dated to 1993, and was showing its age. It only played shows from the 90s! Not really, but I think that was a John Cheever story from years ago. Anyway, D2 seemed to like her surprise gift, but would not violate the "law of the disinterested, apathetic, and surly teenager" by showing true glee, so it was hard to tell. Whatever. Ha!

Thursday we took ancient Mom to sister's for Thanksgiving, and were thankful she was still among us. She got to see her 4 greatgrandchildren, and 2/3 of her grandchildren, so for her it was a sweet, complete day. I drove her home, and left a very, very happy old lady in her condo that evening. Mission accomplished.

Yesterday our neighbors and friends Charlie and Diane invited us over for ANOTHER Thanksgiving dinner. Diane is one of the most gracious hosts I know. She's always up, and always makes guests feel so welcome in her gorgeous house. One of D1's friends from UF came in at the last minute, and Wifey called Diane. Before she could meekly ask about bringing an extra guest, Diane shouted "I HOPE you have some more people coming, because I have TOO much food!"

Diane brought in delicious stuff from Joanna's, our best local market, and we sat around her table talking about the past election. It was a grand feast --and the new comer, D1's friend Rachel, seemed to have a great time as well, even when grilled about her political beliefs! (Fortunately it was a table full of Obama-philes, so all was well).

The phone rang, and it was Diane's daughter in Chicago, ready to have her first baby! Diane made a quick reservation for an early morning flight to O'Hare, rejoined the table, and we al toasted to the good health of her coming first granddaughter. Diane said "I'll ALWAYS remember this Thanksgiving."

Today we're hosting 15-20 of D1's friends at a lunch at a French place in the Gables. More damned celebration! I'm hoping the bar has a TV, so I can escape to watch the Canes game in that coming fog of estrogen.

Wednesday morning, we gave D1 a journal Wifey and I kept since the day she was born. The theme was how much we loved her, and how having her had shown us true joy and happiness. In other words, we were incredibly thankful back in 1988, when we had a toy sized house, and some subcompact Japanes cars.

Wifey and I wept as D1 read some early entries. D1 did, too. Those were the good old days. As Carly Simon sang, THESE are the good old days.

This was the grandest Thanksgiving weekend, ever!

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