Sunday, March 16, 2008

Not Dead Yet

So last night almost 88 year old Grandma came down from her Delray retirement village to watch D2 perform in a dance show. If there's something better than watching your kid perform in front of 1000 people, I don't know what it is.

D2 did wonderfully! Plus, she danced for a group called "Kids to Kids," which raises money for children on ventilators to go to camp, a place called "VAAC Camp." As an aside, when I told my friend Dr. Eric the story today, he laughed and said, after mishearing, "The have fundraisers for FAT camp?"

Anyway --some of the campers appreaded onstage, and the organizers announced that the show raised $10,000 for the camp. Talk about doing good while doing well...

One of our friends came over to meet Grandma. Grandma told the lady she was "glad to get off the reservation." Lori, a sweet person from the Midwest, turned to me and said "Wow --I didn't know you were native American!" I explained I was from an obscure tribe from Long Island, the Fukawees.

Anyway --this morning, Wifey came to the car as we were leaving to relate a Grandma statement -- that she had slept so well, she wanted to call 911. Grandma heard this and said to Wifey "Really?!!!! You wanted to call them, too?" Oh, she's a never ending source of laughs.

So --all in all a fine week of D1's Spring Break. I took off most of the week as well, as we had a series of house guests, from Dallas and the UK.

As I write this, D1's about an hour South of Gainesville, and ready to start the home stretch of her sophomore year of college. I'm still not sure how this time distortion thing operates --from precious toddler to college junior in about 4 years.

I guess one really needs an mind like Einstein to understand it.

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