Friday, March 7, 2008


So we get a call from one of our referral lawyers last week, about a "blockbuster" case. The woman came in, and wants to sue because her daughter had an adverse reaction to a drug. The teen nearly died, but recovered with some residual problems. The case was no blockbuster.

We asked the client, as we always do, whether she had consulted with any other lawyers. She hadn't, she said.

She lied. Two days later, we got a call from a friend of ours, telling us that he had been hired by this client, but then got a discharge letter. He found out she fired him to hire us. We ARE better looking...

We'll have to figure something out here, but the funny part of this, at least to my doctor friend, is how lawyers follow a case like hungry coyotes.

Speaking of rabbi friend send out an email asking for community prayers for a teen who was in a coma at a local hospital, following a vehicle wreck. The rabbi tells me that within 15 minutes of sending the email, he got a call from a lawyer who he knows in passing, but who he hasn't heard from in years. The lawyer, who I'll call Mitch, since that's his real name, wanted to rabbi to tell the family to hire Mitch, and if he did that, "would put a new wing on the synagogue."

The rabbi told Mitch, politely, to go toss off. The boy awoke from the coma, and is doing well. The accident was the boy's fault. Mitch, who was a bit of a, um, well, I'll leave the word out, in law school, hasn't changed. He makes me proud to be a lawyer in the way Barry Bonds must make major leaguers proud to be ballplayers.

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