Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Beach And Baseball

 So there are 2 activities I don't do often, but each time I do, say the same thing: "Boy -- I really like this -- why don't I do it more often?" The activities are visiting the beach and going to baseball games.

Both are so readily available for me. Decent beaches are 30 minutes or less away, and baseball provides either the Canes or Marlins. Truth is, I prefer MLB, and last night I attended the first game of the year.

Kenny wanted to see the Fish before he left for the Summer in Maine. Norman was in - Dr. Barry was invited, too, but gave some lame excuse about having to work late. Man -- really? 60 years old and still letting people boss you around? He needs to work on that.

So I drove to the stadium, and Kenny and Norman each Ubered -- Kenny from home in the Grove and Norman from his office in the Gables. Norman scored awesome seats right behind home plate for $18 each, using some app that doesn't tack on big fees like Ticketmaster does.

We each procured some large beers, and peanuts from a vendor, and Kenny got a burger and I got a hot dog, which to me is part of the experience.

The Marlins, playoff team last season, lost most of their starting pitchers to injury, and are in last place. They hosted the Rockies, also in last place. But the atmosphere was nice, the roof was closed so the weather was perfect, and the Marlins won -- first series they've won so far. They ended up sweeping Colorado today -- so maybe this is the start of a run for them!

My negative threadmates make fun of my optimism on the Canes thread, but I don't care. As I explained to them, likely one or more of us will be dead within 10 years, maybe tragically, so why not be optimistic while we're still vertical? No one responded to that.

The only negative for me: I bet $10 on the raffle, and learned today I didn't win the $2500 prize. My optimism really is skewed -- when I buy a lottery ticket, I assume I will win and am always mildly surprised when I don't. Hey -- what can I say?

We stayed for the whole game, as the pitch clock has truly made the games faster, and then I drove Kenny home, and dropped Norman at his office.

It was a delightful day, and then I came home to find Wifey asleep on the couch. I covered her, and left her old movies on, with the volume lowered. Alas, a half hour she came upstairs and freely shared with me how much her neck and arm hurt, and how it had been an awful day because a doctor wants her to do a sleep study and she opposes it.

Oh well -- I guess the fantasy of a ballpark has to end when you get home...I hope Wifey gets better soon --she's had a rough slog ever since she returned from her cruise. Hopefully she gets better -- we sure have lots of great stuff to enjoy if she feels up to it.

To that end, after D1 and Joey return from a trip to SF, we WILL take Little Man and Baby Man to the Marlins. Little Man was there 2 seasons ago. We'll pick a time that doesn't conflict with strict nap schedules, and go.

They already get to go to the beach often. I ought to do that, too.

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