Wednesday, May 4, 2022

All Jabbed Up And Nowhere To Go

 So Wifey and I drove over to the Pinecrest Covid Center, at a local park. A very nice nurse was there all alone -- complete contrast to the days of Covid frenzy when cops needed to direct traffic. We had decided on Moderna for jab number 4, even though our first three were Pfizer. After 35 years of marriage, you get variety where you can find it.

The nurse noticed that my Covid card had my birth year wrong -- 1955 instead of 1961. did THAT happen, I wondered? But she drew me up a new one, and now I have an accurate record of my shots -- sort of like our dogs at the vet. Bill Gates has all the records anyway.

We celebrated with a lunch at LOL. By evening, Wifey's arm was sore; mine not so much. Yesterday it really hurt her, again with mine, not so much. This immune system is a many splendored thing.

Yesterday am I did something for the first time in awhile: I attended a Zoom Court hearing. I put on a jacket and tie, but left on the shorts. I considered honoring Jeff Toobin, but thought better about it instead.

I was there as a party -- not a lawyer. We have a lawyer, Scott, representing us, in a fee dispute with a TV lawyer I call Saul Goodman, since his advertising firm is just like Saul. The owner is a smarmy prick, and 4 years ago he hired away a lawyer from our group, who stole some cases. The one at issue is the final one for Paul and me -- and Scott is fighting to get us paid for the six!! years of work we did before the midnight theft of the file.

If there's something more unseemly than lawyers fighting over a fee, like wild dogs over a carcass, I don't know what it is, but when you associate with conmen like Fredo, the name I gave to the former close friend who betrayed us, sometimes these unseemly things occur. 

I spent the rest of the day chilling -- using the jab as an excuse for fatigue that in truth is here because I'm old as fuh, as the young ones say.

Today I'm off to the office to  take a look around, see which way the wind blows, as Morrison sang. And this evening Wifey and I are hosting our HOA Executive Committee, a 7 member Board for our voluntary homeowners' group. We plan an annual party, keep after the landscaping at the entrances, welcome new residents, and generally keep our finger on the pulse of our great community.

One of the members, LeeAnn, is off to see her youngest graduate from Colorado, and so won't be there, but Gloria, Ellen, Allison, and Denie will all attend. They're a cool group of women -- smart and "get 'er done" types. I'm the only member with a Y chromosome, and I play the role of the clueless husband/dinosaur guy who tells silly jokes. We all get along swimmingly.

The Ds and their men are going to the F1 race Sunday, so Mother's Day will be celebrated Friday evening. We'll drive to D1's and spend some time with the Little Man, and then D1 has reservations at a local Argentinian place right off Biscayne, on a canal that apparently attracts manatees. It also pours a nice drink, I am told.

D2 and Jonathan called last night, concerned that the enormous puppy would be lonely left home alone during the long F1 day. Could we watch her? We could, and so Sunday I'll drive to the Grove to do a dog exchange. 

Somehow the first quarter of 2022 just flew by. That seems to happen a lot lately -- 6 months to my 20 something self was a LONG time -- now it seems like a fortnight, to use a term we ought to use more.

We're well over 2 years in the Covid era, and living with it, it seems. I spoke to Mike yesterday -- as far as he knows, the superspreader rabbi only infected our friend Jeff -- and that was because they shared a long car ride. I was happy to hear that -- I had predicted Her Holy Viralness might have done a lot more damage that night.

The other big news is that someone leaked a Supreme Court decision which is overturning Roe v. Wade. Everyone knew that was coming -- now it'll be up to the states. I'm hoping that maybe the right wingers have gone too far, finally, and the majority of people who don't wish a Handmaid's Tale nation will finally get off their asses and vote the bums out. We'll see.

In the mean time, I have advised all young men I know that the safest strategy is to only date post menopausal women -- the surefire way to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

If we can't laugh at these absurd times, we have a real problem.

Oh yeah -- post menopausal women who have all 4 vaccines. One must be careful in all ways.

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