Wednesday, November 3, 2021

What It's All About

 So last night we were out with Kenny and Joelle, in probably the last visit to their High Pines house. They're moving to a condo in the Grove, and putting up their big place for sale soon -- downsizing since their boys are grown and off living out of state lives, and making it easier to be the true snowbirds they are -- with a gorgeous lakefront house in Maine.

We had cocktails amidst the packed boxes. Some people dawdle in life -- K and J get it done! They're moving the day before we head to Key West to celebrate Kenny's 60th and Joelle's 59th. Kenny poured me a vodka, and then we were off to Pastis, a local great French spot where Wifey and I hadn't been in too long, on account of the plague.

The food, as always, was delicious -- we might as well have been in Provence. We shared a bottle of wine, and Joelle started talking about deeper life meaning -- how to her, it was about being there for her friends, and sharing in their triumphs. I looked at her and said, with great irony, how can you say that -- when you ignored and rejected me during one of the worst low points in my life -- when Wifey was in recovery early this year from her stroke.

Joelle laughed. The opposite was true, of course -- she and Kenny and their boys provided me with amazing support. All friends say "Hey --let me know if you need anything," and send food and flowers, which is lovely. Joelle would say to me, in her law professor voice "You ARE coming over at 7 tonight after you're at the rehab center," and, since law professors still scare me on account of PTSD from my 1L days in '83, I would comply.

That happened several times -- local restaurants, their house for Indian food -- and it was so comforting to me as I dealt with Wifey's scary health issues. Of course, Kenny was also part of "Team Wifey," which included Barry and Eric, my amazing medical brain trust, who shepherded us along.

But on a social level -- Joelle rose above and beyond. And so there, at Pastis, on a rainy Tuesday night, I began to cry. Her words about caring for dear friends, and more importantly her actions -- resonated so deeply with me.

I dried my eyes like the little bitch I was acting, and then we left for their house. D2 and Jonathan arrived -- to see if they wanted to accept as gifts some lovely furniture that wasn't being taken in the move. It was another delightful moment in time.

And so it is. I've toiled, been the family mule, and lucked out amazingly in that regard. And now, for as many more years as the Big Man gives me -- the focus is no longer on acquiring wealth -- it's on family and dear friends -- laughter, support, shared philanthropy, and, when times go South -- being there as best as I can. Cheers, Professor.

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