Friday, October 22, 2021

It's Why You Gotta Have Friends

 I know it's possible to get through life without close friends, but not for me. My brothers and sisters of other misters have been so precious to me -- sometimes in huge ways, and other in small ways. But I always appreciate it.

So D1 and Joey and the beautiful grandson dropped off the aging Spaniel Mads yesterday on their way to a vacation in Islamorada, hosted by Joey's brother Bob. We got pictures of the baby toddling around the golf course and having a great time -- also in a sand hole he stayed in for over an hour. He's a thoughtful little man.

And then this am, as I was walking, D1 texted -- they were on their way to Fisherman's Hospital. The little guy tripped over a toy and came down hard on his little foot, and couldn't bear weight.

D1 was kind enough to text me information in dribs and drabs -- his ankle "looked funny," and she was getting an appointment with Steve Stricker, a Peds Ortho who followed the Ds for scoliosis and is well known to Dr. Barry. Why? Where was the injury? Was there a fracture?

Joey was in with the little guy -- Covid rules - and D1 called her friend Hannah who said that someone without Peds expertise couldn't be trusted. I just wanted to know the answer to the F word -- fracture -- since that would determine if this was an annoyance or something more serious.

D1 said they had taken the X ray, and were awaiting its reading. But wait! Fisherman's is part of Baptist -- and Kenny is a Peds radiologist there. I hated to bother him, but maybe he could have a look.

So I texted him: "Working today?" The response was immediate: "No fracture." Sure enough -- he was the expert tasked with reading the film of our precious little man.

I realize it was part of Kenny's job, but I still got teary eyed. He has impeccable training -- a fellowship from CHOP, which Barry says is the best children's hospital in America, even though Boston thinks they are. So we knew if we heard "No fracture" it meant "no fracture!"

Ah. So I was relieved, and once again thankful.

Miami New Times published a list this week of Miami's richest billionaires. I posted it and joked that my friends and I are schleppers -- none of us remotely approach the B word.

But of course the truth is, we are the richest guys in town. We all know we're there for each other in a moment.

Kenny's wife Joelle, wise like him, said it best during a dinner where her wonderful sons and she and Kenny kept my mind off Wifey's stroke recovery -- last January. "Everyone needs a friend they can go to and ask for $10K in an emergency and get it -- no questions asked." They know they have that in me.

Hell -- I wouldn't just hide them if they needed to kill someone -- I'd help dispose of the body.

So the little man is walking, with the aid of ibuprofen. This too, shall pass.

Wifey asked on the family text how D1 was doing. She said fine. Grandpa Dave could use a few shots of vodka now -- 6 pm is not too far away.

Years ago Greg Allman sang that with the help of G-d and two friends, he could do most anything. I'm blessed to have more than two. 

And today one of that inner circle brought us all quick comfort.

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