So after ATT went out for about the 10th time in 1.5 months, and 2 very nice fellows have come to fix it, finally Wifey got them to send out a "Special Tech" today. That brought back memories of one of Wifey's quirky moments -- one of the Ds brought home a Siamese Fighting Fish, and Wifey was trying to remember what it was called, and settled on "A special fish." Special Fish lived a decent life, and now whenever we speak of the undersea world, we recall him...
Anyway, we re-homed Little Man and the Skittish Spaniel, and waited for his parents to return from MIA. We said quick hellos, and were off -- to meet D2 and Jonathan for an erev D2 birthday dinner. We met at Silver Lake, which is neither Silver nor on a lake, but has great French food, in the old area of Normandy Isle. We toasted 33 for D2, which I understand many Latins call the "Jesus Year," since that's how long the Son made it. Fortunately, it seems no one is out to crucify my second daughter...
We drove home to a quiet house -- with working ATT. But we're still having the Special Tech visit -- supposably (there's that Miami spelling again!) before noon. Probably the issue is we don't have fiber service in our 'hood yet -- when the nice tech Steve came out last Friday, and I watched him, I saw our entry box had those tiny wires like I recall from dissecting telephones in the 70s. Maybe we can get some more modern supply cables...
Meanwhile, a pretty chill week is scheduled, though as I told D2 in my birthday email to her this am, schedules aren't worth the paper they're no longer printed on. I said something similar, anyway...
Saturday Wifey is finally doing what she should have done many times before: leaving me. Only for 4 nights, but still. She spending some nights at a Delray oceanfront hotel, and our old friend Diane, who now lives in Delray, is coming to meet the hotel crew. It may be, for the B and T friends and their Miami counterpart, Sweata Weatha.
I will have to slog it alone, and my plan is the same as each time Wifey decamps without me: dinners at the bar of local places, like Sea Siam and Captain's Tavern -- maybe even Fox's. The Super Bowl is this Sunday -- not sure if anyone is hosting a gettie, to use the Millennial term, but if not, I can watch with Bo, the Special Needs Spaniel.
I don't have much of a rooting interest, except for my friend Stu Bill's Dad -- a life long Iggles fan. Bill is nearing the end of a long and wonderful road of life -- it would be great to see his Boids do it one final time. I don't know any Chiefs fans...
So hopefully we stay internetted and TV'd. If they can't fix it, I asked Wifey to undertake the annoying task of switching to Comcast/Infinity. They have issues, too, but their equipment seems more modern.
Alas, as I was typing -- ATT went down. But 40 minutes later, Ricardo arrived -- a "Special Tech." He told me HE had taken us down, to try to fix the problem at the "main box" about a mile away. We came back online as he arrived.
He shared the truth that for some reason (actually I think I know) no one had told us. We were still on technology "60-70 years old" as far as the cables were concerned. He said we would keep losing ATT until they replaced the entire system. He didn't know when that would be -- maybe "months." He said that right now, north of 112 Street, it's "all new." That's 1.5 miles from here.
Great -- so we live in a neighborhood where the cheapest house sold recently was north of $2.5M, and we have schlepper internet.
And so I have tasked Wifey with undertaking the conversion -- I think Infinity is already using newer stuff. She never can find that 'round tuitt tool needed to get stuff done -- but she is FAR more into TV than I -- I'm guessing she does it after her 5 days away.
I can do pretty well with just my phone and IPad -- until football season, anyway.
Special tech. Ha. Just a guy who told us the tech was as old as I am...
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