Saturday, February 8, 2025

She's Gone -- Daryl Hall

 Man I loved Hall and Oates in high school -- even before I knew they were called "blue eyed soul." Wifey, Mike, Loni and I got to see them at the AAA a few years back -- they were terrific. They've since broken up in a bitter split (Hall and Oates -- not Mike and Loni). As soon as Wifey left today, I put Hall and Oates on the Sonos. 

Ah -- Wifey -- she is indeed SO unusual, to quote Cindy Lauper. Her plan is to fetch her BFF at FLL, and the two of them drive to the hotel in Highland Beach -- apparently they plan to drive to see friend Diane's new place in West Delray, and I think Linda was permitted to visit the last day -- Tuesday.

As she was leaving, she asked me "Do you have any desire to drive me to FLL -- my friend learned that it costs a lot to park the car each night at the hotel (the room is already near $800 per night -- high season in South Florida on the beach) and this way we could Uber from FLL to Delray, and back and to Diane's -- saving the overnight parking fee?"

I giggled and said that would be a hard no -- I'm a mule -- but this mule ain't looking for a 3 hour roundtrip drive to save a couple of rich ladies hotel parking fees -- but also realized the Uber charges from FLL to Delray, round trip, and to West Delray would run into the hundreds, anyway.

But she IS good for lots of family laughs -- like last night.

We celebrated D2's birthday 4 days late at a trendy place called Sunny's Steaks, in Little River. It's one of several new places opening in the "next Wynwood" of Miami -- the NY Times recently profiled several of them -- in Little River and Little Haiti -- mere minutes from the Ds' houses.

It was a banner evening -- "epic" as Joey and Jonathan called it. We shared delicious steaks and sides (I always think of Rob Reiner as the outraged CPA Dad in "Wolf of Wall Street" when presented a bill for enormously expensive dinner sides (actually charges for escorts). "What -- do these sides cure cancer????!"

The food was delicious, and the talk so loving and warm. For the second toast, I implored the 6 of us to realize, despite all life's challenges, how f-ing lucky we all were. I reiterated that thought this am, sober, on the family "Full Squad" text Joey created for us years ago.

But back to the table at the packed restaurant. D1, with super-human, Spiderman like observational ability, noticed that the former Supermodel Cindy Crawford and her crew was two tables away. I took a glance - and found she looked pretty, pretty, pretty good for a woman in her late 50s.

When we left, we all agreed to be cool and not annoy her like tourists or groupies. Jonathan walked out first -- not even a glance -- and Wifey did a cartoon-like double take at Cindy's table -- we could have all predicted it.

We got outside and hilarious laughter erupted -- D1 mimicked her Mom by getting right in her face -- Wifey didn't do THAT -- but was not subtle, as we had all predicted.

Yeah -- she marches to the beat of her own drummer, that wife 'o mine.

So plans are sushi delivered tonight, and tomorrow D1 and Little Man coming over for lunch. Kenny is "probable" to come by to watch the Super Bowl -- I'll bring in man food if he comes -- probably pizza -- and I have plenty of chilled Peronis and Heinies...

Maybe Tuesday I'll head up to see the grandsons and Ds and sons in law, like a typical Tuesday -- and Wednesday Funny Wifey is due back -- but I would guess late -- the better to squeeze every moment out of her trip off the reservation -- a favorite saying of my late mother's which you can no longer say...

Ah -- "I Can't Go For That" is playing now. Bo is snoozing. I got a peaceful, easy feeling. 

I am indeed one blessed, fortunate Daddy in the USA...

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