Thursday, November 21, 2024

Stupid Insurance

 So after 10 years with Frontline Insurance, they canceled me since my roof is over 20 years old. Of course, it's been over 20 years old for 7 years, but I guess that after collecting well over $100K in premiums from me, with zero claims, it was time to pull their chips off Dave's spot on the roulette table. Fine.

I called my agent Vilma, and told her just to get me a simple liability policy -- $300K. I have a huge umbrella policy, and just need the underlying policy to make it kosher. I explained to Vilma that house repair or replacement costs are huge, but I kind of know what they are -- worst case scenario, a fire comes or another Andrew -- we well the place for land value, which is already higher than we paid in 2000, and move on. What I CAN'T predict is a potentially catastrophic claim if someone trips while visiting. The unknown is what I need to insure against -- not the known.

Vilma said no -- there was a venerable company called Tower and they would give me a "fire policy" for about $5K -- might as well have THAT coverage for less than half of what I was paying Frontline. I agreed. Oh, Vilma said -- they require YOU to have an inspection and pay for it -- $175 from a local company Vilma uses. The inspector came, and was great, but said the roof was STILL a problem -- even though they were not going to insure it -- something about fire resistance after 20 years. I called my roofer, Andrew Palmer, and they gave me a report for free saying the roof had another 5 years of service -- that ought to pass muster.

Sure enough, Tower sent me a bill for $5800, and I was all set for the new insurance year, starting near Xmas. But then Tower called -- they wanted to send their own inspector, too -- it would take a few hours. A nice, not too bright young man came, and in fact he was here 2 full hours, "scanning" the house to show its size. I guess it made sense -- they need to know how much they'd have to pay if the place burned down or got hit by a falling meteor.

And then early this am, even though they had my money, came the email -- they were canceling my not yet in effect policy. Vilma read me the report -- my beloved house sounded like an Overtown crack den -- with leaks and bad roofing, and hot water heaters without emergency drains... even though one heater is in the garage, and the other on a marble floor which won't be damaged if it leaks.

Now I was annoyed. I had spent money AND hours for a waste of time. Vilma said she would now do as I originally asked -- get me a simple, liability policy for $300K coverage to protect against a claim that would cut into the Ds future inheritances. We'll see -- she has until December 24th.

So after annoyance, I turned to something to cheer my up -- MY form of Black Friday shopping. I NEVER shop on Black Friday, or really most any other day. I don't want stuff. I replace clothes when they tear -- sort of like a 10 year old shirt I almost wore to Fox's the other night before noticing a rip down the front.

But today is Give Miami Day! A bunch of non profits get together and try to raise funds -- I think it may be the biggest such event in the US, and it makes me proud. We've already given our substantial gifts -- FIU, Friendship Circle, UM, and Lotus House, but today is my version of retail therapy. I went on the site and donated to Paws4U Rescue -- Wifey's idea. She loves helping animals, particularly dogs. I gave some more to Lotus House, the leading shelter here for women and kids only.  Guys -- hell -- they can live ok under bridges -- it's camping out for them. But women and kids -- nah.

I dedicated the Lotus gift snarkily to Wifey - saying that but for the grace of the Big Woman (she prefers that reference to the Lord over Big Man) -- who knows where she would be living? The snark comes from the fact that she's agnostic and just kind of thinks she's lucky.

I have some more to Jackson Foundation, so I can have a rooting interest when Barry shares the tales of their administrative dysfunction.

So mission accomplished. No matter how annoyed the insurance industry made me -- I got to do my version of Black Friday -- and "bought"  all I wanted.

Now I just hope nothing untoward befalls Villa Wifey...

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