Friday, June 28, 2024

The Debates

 Wifey returned from 2 days and one night with the Ds and their men -- an early appointment yesterday caused them to "foist" her on D2 and Jonathan, to use the great Larry David term. She spent the night and reported it was a fine B and B -- greeted in the am by enormous Betsy and coffee in bed.

She then had a great day with D1, and later her boys -- when I called to check in, she was enthralled with a puzzle with Little Man.

Wifey arrived home as I was coming off my Stoli buzz, and we watched the debate. Oh boy. All the memes are pouring in today, but it was two old geezers going at each other with canes.

Biden came off like a doddering fool you wouldn't drive with. Trump told lies like a frat boy after a Spring Break in Cancun, but came across far more smooth. Dude can read a room -- when he speaks to the MAGA nuts, he's unhinged -- he realized last night he had to tone it down.

Looks like Biden will perform as well as Dukakis in the election. The Dems only hope, to me, a non political scientist, is a hail Mary: Biden steps down, and someone wildly popular like Oprah or The Rock runs -- Hollywood movie-like. Both have the same qualifications Trump did when he beat arguably the most qualified candidate in history: HRC. But HRC brought truth to the thing we all learned in Junior High: we admire the smartest girl in the class, but don't like her. And when it comes time to vote -- well -- not so fast -- at least in the red states where HRC lost.

I'm hoping things don't deteriorate terribly under Trump. Instead, as Eric Idle wrote, we always have to look on the bright side of life. I'll save money on an Estate Lawyer -- Trump and his minions will extend the Estate Tax limits, so we won't have to worry about that. Hopefully we're stronger in support of Israel, against the terrorists who have become the darling of our current radical chic.

Maybe Trump picks a reasonable running mate -- as next president, assuming Trump ever steps down. I wouldn't be surprised if the party of my grandparents, parents, and me fades into the dustbin of history -- pulled apart by the extreme Left, who to me is much worst the the GOP.

Crazy times.

Meanwhile, our handyman Nestor is here today putting together some patio furniture Wifey has had in the garage awhile. Our design and build friend has several more things for him -- installing new bathroom lights and new faucets.

Luis is due here, too, to hopefully FINALLY finish the two redone bathrooms. Luis is good, and cheap, but takes FOREVER. He has owed D2 and Jonathan a bar for 6 months now -- he says he will go to their house tomorrow to finally finish. We'll see.

So we have wonderful First World problems. Hopefully things stay that way.

My sons in law know first hand the need to flee bad countries -- their families left Venezuela and Colombia when each was about 10. Wifey's parents survived the Holocaust, and lost their Polish homeland. They left Israel for better opportunities when Wifey was 4.

My grandparents high tailed it out of Rumania -- now Ukraine -- rather than serve in the Czar's army.

So if we have to leave, we will. I hope not -- I truly love this country, as a third generation American who has 4th generation American daughters, and now 5th generation American grandkids.

But no guarantees. And our political parties may have put us in untenable peril. I guess the coming months will show.

Our old neighbor and friend Diane is coming tonight. She moved to Western Delray, but her docs are still here. We'll pre-game, and then dinner at Platea. We spoke a few weeks ago -- she's bored out of her mind in west Delray. We asked why she didn't move to one of the new condos on Atlantic Avenue -- where stuff goes on. Her son told her not to because of sea rise.

Hmm...taking life advice from someone who maybe doesn't have any real idea. Kind of like our political parties...

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