Friday, June 21, 2024

How Hugh Hefner Must Have Felt

 So happily the morning wasn't too hot, and I set out about my constitutional. On days I don't work out a the gym, I try to get in at least 7000 steps, which I read gives a decent effect to my aging corpus. In my 'hood, that's about 2 full laps around the perimeter streets. 

Today I ran into Rod and Jagger, the most popular dog in the 'hood, and my grandog Betsy's dear dog friend. Rod got back the other day from his "trip of a lifetime." It really was.

He turned 60, and instead of a party, decided to take his whole family to Africa. There are 6 of them, and they flew from NYC to J-berg. His son and his wife live in NYC, and his daughter and son in law in LA, so Rod knew it was tough to get everyone together. But, he learned, dangling an all expense paid trip to Africa got the job done.

He said they stayed in Capetown -- no need for the tensosity of J-berg. They went to the wine country there, and then several nights at a resort near Kruger Park, where they got photos of the "Big 5" of African animals. He loved every moment of the trip -- I was thrilled for him. And Jagger was happy he was home -- no daily walks with his sitter, Rod's sister..

I walked with Rod and Jagger back to his house, and then my Hugh Hefner morning started. Berta, the affable Venezuelan who took over as Welcome Chair, was walking by. She and I did a lap together -- she filled me in on all the details about their vacation townhouse in Naples. And she has a trip planned -- Vienna and Croatia this Fall.

I told her I was in Vienna for a few nights, and loved it. Croatia was just a one day cruise stop, so I really barely know Dubrovnik, but Berta and her man Barry will be spending a few weeks.

As we rounded the block, Berta had to get home, and we met Gloria, our lovely widow friend. She and I then walked a few miles -- talking about our favorite shows. Gloria is a huge "Wire" fan. I told her to me, there was "The Sopranos" and then everything else. Gloria avoided my favorite show -- she's Sicilian, and avoids Mafia movies, or other shows that portray Italians in a bad light. 

But I think I convinced her to give Tony and co another try -- EVERY group in the Sopranos takes a hit -- from greedy Hesh, the Jewish shylock, to criminal Cuban burglars in Miami, to Black street thugs. Hell -- they even make fun of Lauren Bacall, who gets mugged carrying Oscar swag to her car.

Wow. These ladies handing me off to each other. It must have been how Hugh Hefner felt -- if Hugh was passed among overweight post menopausal ladies, instead of Playmates.

Ha. I MUCH prefer these neighbors of substance and wisdom. What would I talk about with a 25 year old Victoria's Secret model anyway?

OK -- I would find SOMETHING to talk about.

In any event, today is the first day of Summer, and the heat is not too oppressive. Hopefully it will stay this way all weekend.

Next week is a busy for a not busy guy week -- beginning with my CT scan Monday, to hopefully rule out dread conditions causing my arm parasthesia. Then there is Dadber duty, fetching Little Man one day while D1 and Wifey do a Broward errand together, and, of course, my second JLI class.

My old friend Bob retired years ago, after a career as a NYC cop, FHP trooper, and, finally, private investigator. He lives in Manilla now with his Filipina wife, Edna.

Paul used to ask what he did all day, retired. And he responded: "Not a damn thing, and somehow it takes me all day to do it."

He had it correct.

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