Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Heat Is Back

 We really lucked out this year weather-wise, so far. It was unseasonably lovely until just recently -- and now the heat is back.

Wifey and I left to meet Joelle and Kenny last evening, and I counted: she complained about the heat 7 times -- she was sweating going from the house to the car, walking the few blocks from Joelle and Kenny's to the restaurant, etc... I reminded her that the more she complains, the more likely it is to get cooler. Ha!

We still had a lovely dinner -- Koko's, upscale Mexican. The place was packed, with people, as usual, younger than we were. I think our server was about 10. Probably early 20s, but as we get older, the kids look younger. Afterwards we went back to their place to clean out their ice cream supply, as they were due to leave very early this am for Maine. Wifey was weather-jealous.

Today I walked a bit later than usual, and it WAS hot, though not yet humid. It reminded me of Vegas -- a dry-ish heat. I'm sure Miami's heat's friend humidity will be along any day now.

Yeah -- but what are ya gonna do? In my case, this means pool season. I return from a sweaty 2 mile walk, strip down naked, and then jump into the cool water. Our pool gets a lot of shade, and the water never gets bathtub temperature, as many pools around here do. It's SO refreshing, and a constant reminder why I can never live in a condo. My skinny dipping in a community pool would result in arrest instead of relaxation.

Probably by late July/early August, I'll be ready for a cool down. Our friends with houses in Western NC and Maine have invited us, and we appreciate it, but I kind of like being served and pampered by a hotel staff. I figure maybe I'll come up with a travel suggestion for a change -- typically that's Wifey's Department.

I just need someplace where the night time temperatures have a 5 as the first number. We're not likely to see any temps starting with a 6 until at least early October, if then.

As for today, the family is due here at 330. D1 has taken orders for Joanna's -- Little Man has been requesting bagels, and though it is Mother's Day, in our family every holiday is Grandchild's Day. 

We look forward to a boisterous house with dogs and kids and young people. And then, by tonight, quiet again. This empty-nesterhood suits us rather well.

Hillary Clinton used to quote the African saying that it takes a Village to raise a child. In D1's case -- more like a small city. She is going to SF with Joey this week for a few nights, and we're all pitching in with Little Man and Baby Man pick ups and drop offs. My job is Monday and Thursday. 

Nestor the handyman was here yesterday assembling some outdoor furniture, and a new huge patio umbrella that covers the table by the pool. I'm guessing the stuff won't get too much use now for several months. 

So here's to a great MD. The days are hot, but exquisite. And before long, football will be back! Before then, the Marlins beckon. And they play in a nice, cool, retractable roof stadium.

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