Friday, May 10, 2024

Mother's Day

 So the weekend of honoring our "Birth Persons" is upon us. That's really a term in our Woke era. I'm told by someone on good authority that Miami's largest Children and Women's hospital now uses the term "pregnant person" instead of "pregnant woman." Really.

This brings back a class I still recall from 9th grade, where we learned what euphemisms were. Sanitary landfill instead of garbage dump. Woke culture is a sanitary landfill.

Anyway, there's of course a tinge of sadness for Wifey and me, since we ain't got not living mothers no mo. Both Rachel and Sunny lived long, full lives --Rachel's chock full of tragedy, unlike Sunny's. They loved their families fiercely. So this MD, we will of course toast to their memory.

Jonathan's cousin is coming from LA, and so he and D2 asked if we might celebrate MD Saturday instead of Sunday. Indeed! In fact, food delivery services are more normal the day before -- so we welcomed the date edit.

The plan is for the group to arrive post Baby Man nap, around 3, and I will pour adult beverages for my wonderful sons in law, and maybe Prosecco for D1 and D2. As an added benefit, Joey has promised he will lead a clean out of our garage, long an extra storage facility for both Ds and their families. A lot of stuff was D1 keeping baby stuff for her sister, but after several years in the musty garage, a lot has to be tossed. Will we actually able to get a single vehicle in our 2.5 car garage, for the first time in years? I guess we'll see.

It's funny -- I store and schlep for NO ONE except the Ds. Kenny and Joelle left their car here for a few weeks while they were away -- that was ok -- just had to move it a few times to let a roofer do the work. But actual storage? No way, no how.

Anyway, we plan to celebrate D1, a mother extraordinaire, as Paul would say, and D2, a dog mom of excellence, and hopefully someday a human Mom, too.

And of course Wifey -- the reason for our MD season, who gave so much of herself to our beloved Ds that I appreciate and honor her forever, despite her many marital trespasses against me. Ha. 

Speaking of MY Mom, she left us with an adorable legacy: Grandma Sunny Time. That's 4:30 p.m. It comes from a trip back home from somewhere, with the Ds and my Mom in the back seat. The SUV was quiet, and all of a sudden my Mom sighed, and said "Ah -- it's 4:30."  The Ds asked so what. "Oh nothing," she replied, "I was just looking at my watch."

My Mom had an inscrutable internal dialogue going on at all times, and the truth is, the time must have meant something to her. But to us, 4:30 will forever bring a smile.

And, indeed, Wifey and I will be leaving this afternoon at Grandma Sunny time for the Grove, for an early dinner with Joelle and Kenny. They're leaving VERY early tomorrow for Maine, for their beloved lake house, and we thought we'd have a farewell event. I think Joelle will get to celebrate MD with both her sons in Maine this year. MD will be tough for Kenny -- this will be the first since his beloved Mom Toby passed away. I plan to toast the 3 missing Moms tonight -- Joelle's blessed to still have hers with us.

So thanks to all the formerly pregnant people who carried us and brought us to this world. In my case, I always knew my Mom was beautiful, and being loved and adored by a beautiful woman imbued me with self confidence that probably exceeds my abilities and accomplishments. And that's ok -- it served me well -- I truly never doubted my ability to get what I wanted.

And somehow, what I have, in the form of my amazing family, is far more precious than what I ever knew I wanted. I guess that's why Mother's Day is so important to me.

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