Tuesday, December 15, 2020

LWD Adventure

So it's a lovely December week in the 305. The jabs, as Dr. Barry taught they call vaccines in Europe, have begun. It'd be great to get one, but it appears I'm pretty far down the line. That's ok -- just keep hoping I avoid the plague for the coming months.

The Electoral College met, and made it official: adios to the worst president in my lifetime. Hopefully the nation can set about healing -- from the plague - and the deep divisions the narcissist opened up.

I walked around the 'hood yesterday -- got in nearly 11 miles -- and then we FaceTimed with Wifey's BFF Edna and her man Marc, in Atlanta. It was nice -- a lot of laughter as Edna and I drank -- Marc had some, too, and Wifey was her usual "high on life" without the need for alcohol.

This am I set about my morning constitutional, and as I cleared 4 miles, I happened to see a small poodle sniffing around by the Murphy's house. I've come to know all the dogs in my 'hood, and this one wasn't one. I approached her, and saw she had Xmas ribbons in her ears, and a collar with tags. She trotted right up to me. She had tags, and her name was Luly, and there were 2 phone numbers. I called the first.

A fellow with a Spanish accent answered, and I asked if he was missing a poodle. He seemed mostly annoyed, and asked where I was with the dog. I told him, and he said he lived across busy Ludlum Road. He would look for someone to fetch the dog, and I told him to call my number when he was coming -- I'd carry the little girl home and wait.

She was very sweet -- I'm guessing close to 10 years old, and well cared for. She was a classic LWD, as the Ds call them -- little white dogs - very much in favor among women and girls of means.

I got a water bowl for Luly. She wasn't thirsty. I realized nearly 20 minutes had gone by and I hadn't heard from the owner, so I called the other number on Luly's tag. This time a woman answered, and was far more appreciative and concerned. She was in Orlando, and men were at her house doing work -- the dog must have gotten out. She seemed a bit flummoxed at what to do.

Her name was Ingrid, and she was lovely. I offered to walk Luly home -- I was on my am walk anyway. She said she'd open her gate when I got there.

It turned out their house was directly across Ludlum from the back of ours. It meant Luly had escaped becoming LWD road pizza. That would have been awful.

I walked her up the sidewalk, and called out to a painter. He came over, but was unable to open the gate. I put the poodle down, and she slinked right under the gate. Aha! That explained the wayward dog.

I told Ingrid her puppy was safely returned, and that I lived in the house on the other side of the stone wall. Funny how you get to meet neighbors sometimes.

So my walk had a purpose today -- re-homing a sweet little poodle. I'm not a fan of her dog daddy, though, but that's ok. 

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