Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Pissed Off

So life continues in the time of the plague, with hopefully a lightening of the time of racial unrest.  The past 2 days the revolting ones did NOT shut down I-95 to remind us all not to strangle to death or fatally shoot black people. Message taken. Hopefully there will be some real change, although I feat exactly the opposite.

History teaches us this year is very much like 1968. I was only a child of 7, but have read a lot about it. A pandemic was afoot, the Hong Kong Flu, but it got little media attention -- just the occasional school or business closure. But there was civil unrest following the killing of MLK. The rank and file were sympathetic, but when the reactions changed to riots, the public opinion shifted -- to law and order. As a result, Nixon beat Humprey in a landslide. I feat Trump might be seen as that law and order guy, and we get him for another 4 years. I guess we'll find out in a few months.

Thankfully our family is doing well. We've been getting together on weekends with the Ds, their fine men, and grandson and grand dog. It's been wonderful.

Other than that, the Zoom happy hours have been grand. I have 2 recurring ones -- Monday evening, with my friend Mike and his crew, and Friday. The Friday happy hour started out as Joey's shabbat service, and now we've morphed into a several hour get together -- even after the grandson goes to sleep. I sprung for a paid Zoom membership, so I can host without fear of getting cut off just as one of my friends is about to say something amazingly witty!

Eric asked for a Zoom tonight, and I'm hosting. Kenny arrived in Maine, and plans to join us with the view of his beautiful lake in the background -- telling us about the deliciously cool weather. I look forward to it.

Still, I'm pissed off. Actually, pissed with too much difficulty. I well recall my father's many trips to the bathroom, and my saying "Let's go, Dad!" when wanting to leave for an event. Well, as I approach 59, I am very much his son, urologically. Along with his intelligence and humor, I inherited his BPH -- which is, thankfully a non cancerous condition. But it's gotten worse, and this am I had my first telemedicine appointment with Dr. P (really his initial) about my issues.

Dr. P is putting me on a medication that hopefully shrinks the prostate, over time. A side effect is hair growth, which I really don't need. But hopefully it will lessen the annoying symptoms. If not, Dr. P suggests green laser light surgery. He zaps the overgrown gland with a green laser, in hopes of curing the urinary issues.  If I get the surgery, I will wear orange, so with the green, it'll be a Canes colored event.

Ah -- aging. A wise man I ran into 6 years ago, a retired Miami City councilman named JL, said that after age 50, each day you awaken, something else hurts or bothers you. And he's in his late 80s!

Fortunately, the vodka I consume during the happy hours alleviates all symptoms -- physical as well as emotional. I plan on enjoying some of that respite tonight..

And this weekend is Father's Day. I hope to spend it with my wonderful kids and grandkids. When I'm with them, somehow the nagging issues of the world and the body fade into the background.  I'm not at all pissed off...

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