Friday, November 1, 2019

I'm Not In the Mood for Halloween This Year

One of the most precious things about my family is our sense of humor. We find it in areas maybe others would not. And Wifey is typically the member of our clan who is funniest without meaning to be.

We always made a pretty deal about Halloween for the Ds when they were small. We'd often make haunted rooms in the garage, and invite a lot of their friends over. Trick or treating was big with us -- I recall one year when D2's friend Amanda had a broken leg -- I schlepped her in a red wagon all over our neighborhood.

We'd decorate the house, and in later years, enjoy welcoming the new crop of trick or treaters -- some years we'd get over a hundred kids.

One Halloween -- I think D1 was in college and D2 in high school, D1 came home and saw there were no decorations. Wifey stated simply: "I'm not in the mood for Halloween this year."

I'm not sure exactly why -- but we all found that hilarious -- as if one could decide based on fleeting feelings that a holiday not take place.

It became family lore, and a saying. "I'm not in the mood for politics this year" was an example.

Well, the sentiment was indeed true this time around. Wifey bought candy for the trick or treaters, but ended up meeting me at D2's place in the Grove. She left a basket of candy out front, and, indeed, most was missing when we returned.

We had dinner with some friends whose father is in the hospital -- a sort of cheer up evening. We ended up at Spillover, where they were hosting a Bark-O-Ween -- lots of dogs and their owners all dressed up. It was adorable.

Sitting at the bar was a man with 2 gorgeous white German shepherds. I often see a convertible in the Grove with those impressive dogs -- but the fellow said no, he was one of THREE guys in the North Grove with two big white dogs, and he didn't have a convertible.

And, he explained, the dogs were domesticated Arctic wolves, not shepherds. They were very sweet -- D2 really dug them. I was hoping they'd howl, but they quietly sat with their owner.

So, none of us were really in the mood for Halloween this year. I have a feeling things will be different for Thanksgiving. We're hosting our son in law and future son in law's families -- I think 18 of us in all. The mood ought to change by then.

If we're blessed to have grandkids, I think Halloween will become a thing for us again. That'll be grand...

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