Sunday, March 31, 2019

Saturday Not in The Park

I awoke and made a Nespresso for Edna -- it was her last day staying here at Villa Wifey, and I wanted to send her off properly. She had a 3 pm flight home to Atlanta, and Wifey, Edna, and I sat in D2's room talking for awhile.

I left around 11 and drove to Dadeland Mall, to meet Paul, Alex, and Alex's kids. We walked to the Disney store, and then to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. The kids are so lively and fun to be around -- we made another trip to the Disney store, so they could walk around and watch the enormous video screen showing Disney videos.

I watched Arielle, the Little Mermaid, sing a song I heard the Ds sing hundreds of times. It brought me a little tear...

I came home and Wifey was gone -- dropped Edna at MIA and then went out shopping. I napped to Axis TV interviewing old rock stars.

Kenny texted -- last minute double date? Yes, I responded, and he suggested we go to Wynwood before I reminded him that Ultra and Music Week were going on, and we ought to avoid any part of town north of the Gables. He agreed, and got us reservations at Ad Lib, and new place that used to be Swine barbecue, and before that, Les Halles, a great French place where we had a big birthday party for D1 when she was in college.

We went to Kenny and Joelle's, and they talked excitedly about their newly renovated lake house in Maine -- they want us to visit in July. The plan is to become classic snowbirds within a few years -- they love Maine, but want to stay in Miami during the winter, of course.  They'll probably sell their house here and rent -- maybe the Grove, maybe Edgewater.

We pre-gamed, and then Wifey drove us to the Gables. We loved the restaurant right away -- beautiful decor, and nice vibe. The manager came over -- he had a Michelin star in NYC and wanted one for the Gables, and he was well on his way.

The food was delicious -- branzino, duck, and scallops -- we shared, family style. And we could hear each other -- something Wifey always looks for in a restaurant. It was a lovely night.

Today I got passes to see an old Mets hero of mine at Books and Books: Art Shamsky. He wrote a book about the magical '69 season.  Wifey remembers it, too, as a girl in Canarsie.  From there, we'll go visit the ancient suegra at the Palace.

Tomorrow am I have a right of passage that confirms I'm old as fuh, as the Ds say. Jeff and I scheduled PT sessions for our shoulders, back to back, so to speak, and we'll go out for breakfast afterwards. Really? We both need PT.  We'll probably develop Yiddish accents as we get treated...

But, as the great Tony Soprano character always said "Yeah -- but what are ya gonna do?" The answer is, of course, just flow along with the river of time...

It could be worse.

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