Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Non Robert Kraft Happy Ending

So the big, shiny plumbing truck pulled up --Roberto, the plumber, who looked like the Dad from "Que Pasa, USA?" and his young son, Chris. I asked Chris if he was the apprentice to his Dad -- no, he was in high school and doing social media, and was along to film his father for upcoming social media ads. I liked them right away.

I showed Roberto the supply line, and where it comes into the house, and also that there's a no longer in use city water sprinkler system. Richard built two systems -- city water, near the house, so the house wouldn't get the rust stains from using well water irrigation, and a well water system for the rest of the property. I showed Ricardo that water also gushed from the sprinkler valves next to where the main supply enters the house.

He bent down and turned off a valve. He said, in accented English, "I think that was your problem -- not a leaking main."  I wanted to kiss him.

We walked to the meter, and he turned the supply back on, and sure enough -- no more leak. What I thought was going to be a major repair was the simple twist of a valve.

Roberto said "I feel bad, but I still have to charge weekend rate for the visit -- $120." I replied that no -- I was paying $150, and I expected him to take his son to a great breakfast with the time they were saving. He knew I could have been looking at a $2K job, if he had to dig a trench, and had he done it and not told me, I never would have known.

Chris asked if he could interview me as a customer. He set up his camera, and asked about my experience. I gushed like the water that earlier was flowing out of the broken sprinkler line.

I now have a plumber for life. Water is flowing. Wifey is happy. We don't have to try to get a hotel during Spring Break, which would have been very pricey.

I feel like Robert Kraft must have felt when he first left the spa -- before his Bentley was pulled over by the publicity seeking Jupiter police.

There is happiness at Villa Wifey...

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