Wednesday, July 12, 2017

D1, Norman, and The Charitable Day

In addition to running a business, keeping house with her fiance, and a very active social life, D1 is very active in the charitable world.  Of course, of the manifold reasons she gives us to be proud of her, this is very high on the list.

She jokes that she is heavily involved in two charities -- her "Jewish one" and her "Gentile One."  The latter is Junior League, where she meets with Miami's female movers and shakers, helping victims of domestic abuse, and homeless women.  She's given talks to the homeless at Camillus House, and spent time with her therapy dog helping kids learn to read.

The "Jewish " charity has been Jewish Community Services, where she chaired a committee, and has spent lots of time helping out elderly and disabled.  That brings us to today's tale...

She sent me an email, and asked me to forward it to local friends, about one of the JCS programs -- one that provides day care and job training for disabled adults.  The program is in financial peril, and D1 knows how critical it is -- for the families of special needs adults, having a safe and loving facility where they can leave their family member is critical -- no less than allowing the family to have some semblance of a normal life.  And for the special needs adults -- well, D1 was moved to happy tears at her visits -- these folks getting real life training that gives them a sense of self worth...

So I sent the email, and I figured one of my friends, Norman, might respond.  I made a self commitment that my family would match any contribution he made -- figuring it might be a nice one.

Well, as Wifey pointed out years ago, Norman and I have a LOT in common -- we think and act identically about most life issues.  We worship our fathers -- in this arena Norman is far luckier than I -- he still has his Dad with him -- nearing 90.  The other thing we have in common is that when we decide to do something, moss doesn't grow on our tucheses... we act immediately.

So I was sitting in my car, checking emails while awaiting D2 at the tailor's shop -- getting the final adjustments made on the dress for her sister's wedding, and in came one from Norman.  He had already made a contribution -- a VERY sizeable and generous one,  I got a bit teary eyed...

I joked with him in the way men do -- telling him he was a jerk for making such a big gesture -- since it would now cost me big, too.  But my heart was thrilled, for helping this awesome cause.

D1 came over to spend time with her sister, and Wifey, the Ds, and I went out for a farewell to D2 dinner, at a local Italian place.  The ladies talked about skin, and hair, and I caught glimpses of the All Star game on the restaurant's tv.  I was beaming...

D1 left, Spaniel in tow, and Wifey and D2 and I played our version of "Name That Tune."  I impress them with my ability -- especially with music from the 60s through early 80s... I told them that when I team with Norman, who has a far greater knowledge of Punk, New Age, and Jazz than I -- we're unstoppable.

And then I went online, and made our family's matching contribution to the special needs program -- thinking about D1, and thinking about Norman.

When you can be involved in charity -- or better -- when your kid is involved in charity -- well that makes for a damn good day.  And Norman rocks...

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