Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bachelor Weekend

Since Wifey's bad back episodes i and II prevented her from taking many trips to Gville to see the Ds, she decided to take advantage of her pain free state and go visit D2 for the weekend. It had been quite awhile since she took off, leaving me in stewardship of the house and dog. I dropped her at MIA Friday, and headed to the office. We had some interesting clients: former political prisoners in Cuba, who learned that they were slave laborers building stuff for a European company that profited from their travails. We're looking into suing the company. Our discussion with our appellate whiz, who my friend Joel immediately noticed looks like a mad scientist, was a throwback to law school days -- analyzing treaties, and constitutional issues. I enjoyed it. Friday night I met Joel and my friend John in the Grove for happy hour at Taurus -- the remains of a venerable watering hole. We enjoyed ourselves -- talking about law, and life. Yesterday I had breakfast with Vince. He gave me his Canes tickets, since a business meeting prevented his game attendance, and I dropped the tix off at Joel's in the Grove. From there, I Buicked up to the stadium, and a fine Norman tailgate. I drank almost nothing, and Scott correctly noted the tailgate parties are far less fun when I don't drink. I now have a challenge for the remaining two games. The game was ponderous -- Canes slept walked through it, and still won. We were favored by 24, and barely pulled it out. Next weekend is mighty FSU -- and Canes could easily get embarassed. We'll see. Paul had with him 2 guardian ad litem kids -- one of whom is now 18 and aged out of the system. I drove this young lady home from the game, and we talked. Wow. What a different life she had than the Ds. My Ds hear my advice and philosophy so often, they're probably sick of it. This young lady had none. But she's headed for college, and, as I told her, about to finally write her own book on adulthood. I wish her Godspeed... I then met Monica and Joel at Christys. We saw an article about our favorite place turning 35, and decided to say happy birthday by having some grear Caesar salads there. I had my usual Flintstone sized prime rib -- 1/2 went home with Joel, for sustenance as he writes his final law school papers today. We celebrated D1's first adult job -- clinical dietician at Jackson Hospital. She'll be going through orientation with a fellow young dietician from UF, as well as Chelsea, a newly hired physical therapist. Chelsea and D1 were freshman roommates at UF in '06. They started college together, and now start careers together. Sunrise, sunset... Meanwhile, in Gville, Wifey and D2 are bonding, and headed out last night with D2's boyfriend Jonathan and some sorority sisters. And today, D1 is headed to see her grandpa at the home, and then meet me for a dog Halloween party at the old parrot jungle. From there, I'll fetch Wifey at MIA. So the weekend went well. And, best of all, I did NOT visit Target...

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