Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Still Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay

Today is Wednesday, and I have a pro bono case to attend to. I'm heading over to the U to prepare a witness for a deposition --she's the long time assistant to my old, dear friend Professor Steve.

The case involves a set of facts that could be an episode of "House." The parents of a young boy with an absolutely horrendous form of epilepsy, in which the child essentially had non stop seizures, came to a local children's hospital to consult one of the nation's top experts on epilepsy. He told them there was nothing to be done. The family met with a Bioethics Committee (where my friend and his assistant were members) and they all agreed to "AND." This stands for "Allow Natural Death," which I guess sounds better than the usual "DNR" or "Do Not Recussitate."

Anyway, a series of darkly comedic and tragic moments later, the hospital reversed their decision, and told the parents they couldn't allow their son to pass, and if they tried to do what was previously agreed to before, the hospital would call the police.

The parents left, checked into a nearby hotel, and let the suffering child pass. Now --this being America --they just went quietly home to grieve and get on with their lives. Ha! As if! They sued the hospital and doctor for inflicting stress on them.

As I just emailed my friend Dr. Barry, I really despise the very system that has allowed me to semi retire at 50...

Which brings me back to the purpose of this post. I need a new job.

I started thinking about a perfect job for me. It hit me. I want to win Lotto, set up a charitable foundation, and spend my time giving money to worthy causes.

I'd vet the programs, which would lean heavily towards children's health issues, and education, and decide who got what. Of course, I'd enjoy meeting the program directors, and coordinators, but I'd avoid the formal balls. Rather, I'd enjoy breakfast and lunch meetings with the recipients, and also meetings with the financial advisors, whose job it would be to grow the endowment.

My friend and broker Pat used to manage the endowment for a large, Catholic hospital foundation. The church sold the hospital to a private company. I'd love to get Pat involved again in managing a charitable foundation's money. He and I enjoy a cocktail or two or three together, and we'd have a grand time doing this while attending to the business of charity...

So, I'm taking the first steps towards my goal. I'm buying Lotto tickets each week...

Until then, I'll keep playing around in the law business, I guess. Tomorrow my partner and I have a meeting with a west coast (of Florida) attorney and his son, to discuss some new cases we might bring into our operation.

"Our operation" just got a new wrongful death case last week. A commercial truck collided with a car a mother was driving, and her teenaged son, a passenger, was killed.

More misery. More profit. I really need a new gig, and soon...

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