Friday, August 26, 2011

Dress Down Millionaire

So my rabbi friend called and invited Wifey and me to meet some new Hebrews who moved into the 'hood a few months ago. They're a couple in their late 20s with a baby daughter.

The husband, who I'll call Ben, since that's his name, is a Middle School dropout from the Midwest who started an online company that has apparently taken off like a parrot on fire. They sell daily deals, and have found a major market share.

Ben and his wife like warm weather, and so chose to relocate to Miami. They're building a new headquarters in NW Dade.

So we went over with our friends Jeff and Lili to the big mansion. Ben's wife greeted her guests in a skirt, t shirt, and ball cap. Ben, easily 50 lbs overweight, was wearing his daily business uniform --bathing suit (really), t shirt, and sneaks...

To call this power couple frumpy is Rabbi friend prefers "humble."

We ate kosher sushi and pasta, and drank Stoli gold, and heard an inspiring talk from the Rabbi about the coming Days of Awe. To me, that's then Hurricane football starts (and don't get me started on THEM), but of course it's the Jewish New Year, when we're asked to audit our lives and pledge to be better at healing the world...

Meanwhile, most of the guests left. I did a little networking. I introduced Lili to a Jewban guy I've known awhile, as he needed a real estate lawyer. It's so funny to me. Lili met him, and chatted quietly, It never occurred to her to talk about what she does. Then I came over, and told Jacob the Jewban all about her practice. Next I knew, they were talking in Spanish about some deal. Maybe I'll get a meal out of it for my efforts. Probably not...

Anyway, we then chatted with Ben and his wife. He has 100 employees, and Rabbi said he gives HALF his profits (which are HUGE) to charity. I can believe it --he certainly doesn't spend money on clothes. My friends, especially my Metrosexual partner Paul, constantly badger ME about my dress. Compared to the young millionaire, I could be in GQ!

So we surely have some colorful new neighbors. Ben wants to host weekly Torah study at his house, and I think I'll go to some. Meanwhile, he told me that his company's new CFO is a dinosaur --he's 38. The young folks call him "Grandpa."

No wonder I'm feeling more and more irrelevant.

So, power to you, young man! Keep on earnin' and keep on givin'.

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