Monday, February 28, 2011


Wifey loves the Oscars, like, apparently, millions of people. I couldn't care less. I usually don't like moves that much, and as I get older and crankier, my dislike has increased.

Unless a movie is really well done, I find myself angry that Hollywood stole hours of my life sitting and watching tripe that didn't make me feel anything or teach me anything...

Of the movies up for awards last night, I saw one, "True Grit" which was pretty good. So I figured Wifey would watch the show, while I surfed the web, feeding my news and trivia junkie habit...

But then Norman texted, and he and his lovely, Canadian wife Deb invited us over to watch the show. They're great hosts --they served delicious shrimp and stone crabs that were larger than jumbos. We drank wine and then watched the show (or started to) with some gourmet ruggelach Wifey and I bought earlier at a Farmer's market.

The show was terrible, and boring. The producers went for a younger demographic, and had it hosted by 2 young actors, one of whom looked stoned, and the other on stimulants.

Still, we made our own jokes, and enjoyed each other's company.

I really can't stand any awards ceremonies, unless they involve the Ds winning. The whole idea of people saying how great they are, and awardees either agreeing or feigning humility rubs me the wrong way.

I love Canes football, and yet one of the most boring nights of my life was spent at THEIR awards banquet. Many of the players who were honored were, well, less than sterling speakers, let's say, and they told inside jokes and stories that left those of us who paid money to honor them feeling like outsider schmucks.

On the way home, Wifey and I talked about how much we enjoy Norman amd Deb's company. It's tough to find couples where all 4 like each other.

We made plans for the 4 of us to see a movie at the new Gables art cinema. Foreign films always have better nudity, so I figure the movie will be better than the Oscars...

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