Thursday, July 30, 2009

Random Thoughts

I've been putting in a lot of office hours lately, which goes against my lazy nature. Tuesday Paul and I spent 8 hours watching 5 engineers examine a burned circular saw, for one of our cases. We all convened n a lab on 45th Street in West Palm, while these fellows sighed, "um hmmed", and acted like they were really interested. We'll get the bill later for our 2 experts --the day will probably cost about $10k.

Anyway -- I decided to take THIS morning off. As I write, Wifey is leading a contractor around the house, getting estimates on long needed painting projects. She's "bothered" by many areas. She asked me if we should get them fixed. I asked the contractor, Brian, if he were married. "Not at the moment," he replied. I asked him, when he was, whether he had learned that if Wifey ain't happy, ain't no one in the house happy. "I see how you're a wise and successful man," he said.

I look forward to seeing his estimate. I'm guessing he's looking to make up for a whole lot of lost business on our jobs.

D2's estimate for fixing her car came in: about $3400! I hope she learned how a mere second of carelessness (her friend jerking the wheel after he nearly hit the short stopping car in front) leads to this. It COULD have lead to tragedy.

We've seen how a slip of the tongue can cut deeply, and ruin a relationship.

As Don Henley sang, (in a song he DIDN'T write): "In a New York minute --everything can change."

Meanwhile, D2 is busy at my office shredding files from the mid-90s. She doesn't like the job! D1 has an exam today, and then just one week left of summer Chemistry classes, before she gets ready to return to UF for her senior year.

Wifey is helping D1 prepare for her new Gainesville apartment --she plans to help her move in there in August.

Meanwhile -- I'll head to the office later today --to move some piles of paper from one pile to another --all I really do.

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