Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's Great to Be a Lawyer

As an attorney, I took an oath to represent my CLIENT. My concern is not what's fair or right, but simply to advance my client's cause, within the bounds of the law and ethics rules.

We have a case where the mother of a paralyzed child ran a stop sign and hit our client. Our client suffered a neck sprain. Normally, we wouldn't take such a case, but the client is the aunt of a fomer client who refers us a lot of business.

Anyway, the disabled child's mother has no insurance, and lives only on her disability payments and social security. She'll never be able to work. She has only the minimal required auto insurance, which means no liability coverage.

The accident was completely her fault. She's afraid that if our client gets a judgment against her, she'll be deported or something. She's offered to pay our client out of her pocket --$1000. I told the woman, flat out, that I wouldn't sue her, but she knows my client will go to some young, agressive lawyer who would.

Our client refused the offer. Her out of pocket expenses are $1500. She told us to demand that from the poor lady. I did, and the poor mother is going to relatives to come up with the money.

My law firm out negotiated the mother of a poor, disabled child, to put money into the pocket of our greedy client (we're taking no fee, by the way). Our client makes a decent living at an office job. She's not wealthy, she struggles, but is certainly far better off than the lady who ran the stop sign.

I feel proud. I feel terrific. We sure showed her!

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