Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

 So I had an excellent Seinfeldian "pick" of Wifey Sunday night at MIA. I tracked her on FlightAware, and saw that this flight was seamless -- the opposite of her outbound journey which took 12 hours. I was hungry, and decided to visit Latin Cafe on Lejeune, which also has now a purple sign that says "Bored Cuban." I forgot to ask why.

I got a cup of caldo gallego, the great white bean soup, and a Cuban sandwich, and ordered a sandwich pollo and a Diet Coke para llevar for Wifey. As I finished the Cuban, Wifey texted -- she was at baggage claim and awaiting her carryon with the "Miss Colombia" sash we put on in Bogota. When she was ready for pickup, I drove to MIA in less time than an Uber takes, and , unlike the angry Rasta-looking Lyft driver in Atlanta, lifted the bag for her into the back seat. She munched away happily as we drove home, and I filled her in on all the details of our family over the past week.

Locally, we're still comically in the midst of FPL's "conversion" of our power lines, as I have learned the term they use. The project began in January, and was to be done by March. Ha. As if. These clowns have been at it most of the year -- I swear some of the marking lines showing where water and cable are have been repainted 10 times.

For grins, yesterday I texted the fellow I had spoke to in May, who told me the project would be done by August at the latest. He called right away, and said "Great news! Your address shows you're undergrounded!"

Wait -- I knew MY cable, from the overhead transformer to my house, was underground. My house was built in 1997, one of the newer ones in my 50s era 'hood, and both my house and the neighbor to the South have buried supply lines. When was the job of converting the overhead lines to underground to be completed, I asked. I mean, there are concrete platforms with cables jutting out, awaiting the ground based transformers. "Oh -- I can't give you a date for that."

So the poor Mas family, who owns Church and Tower, will be forced to keep earning money for months to come, it seems. Maybe they'll make the new soccer stadium being built near MIA nicer -- so it will look better from the air when I take off -- since I plan to never visit.

But the news led to comedy this am. Not laugh out loud comedy, but the shake your head, human nature kind.

As I was on my constitutional, I met Martha, a lovely and gracious lady married to Frank. The Ds think the names Frank and Martha are hilariously Boomer, and they're right. Frank is a retired Baptist Health exec -- I like them a lot. Frank and I always talk sports -- though he's a Nats fan being originally from D.C.

Martha asked me if I knew anything, and I proceeded to tell her the less than optimistic news. As we chatted, a neighbor who I'll call Kelli, since that's her name, walked by. She's one of the young-ish Temple Beth Am Moms who always smile and seem nice, but you get the sense that her smile belies the B word. I can't put my finger on it, but it's there.

I said good morning, and Martha said "David -- tell Kelli what you've learned." Kelli's face narrowed, and she took on the affect of the great Alka Seltzer mascot "Speedy Delivery." "I can't stop. I am SO busy today -- my schedule is packed and I CAN'T hear this!!!!" I don't think she realized how shrill she sounded.

Now I have some VERY busy friends. Rabbi Yossi and Nechama are probably the busiest -- parents of 9, grandparents, involved children to older parents, involved siblings, and running a huge Chabad Center with a special needs center opening by the end of the year. In fact, we just got a VIP invite for the special macher opening, on account of we've given a lot of money, set for November. Unfortunately it's on a Wednesday, and Wifey doesn't want to miss mah jong, so she isn't going. I may try to find another date -- there's an open bar. Wifey is busy, too.

Barry is Chief Medical Officer of the biggest kids hospital in the SouthEast. Eric is a medical director of a large heart practice. My friend Norman is still trying cases like a 40 year old lawyer in his prime. Hell -- even my friend Allison has taken on a job that requires 50 hours per week.

These people are BUSY. I'm not sure how a Mom of a high school and middle school kid can be THAT busy -- but apparently she is.

Even sweet and courtly Martha noticed -- "Wow -- does she have some kind of high level Cabinet meeting in D.C.?"

So we got our chuckles for the day. I don't know -- maybe people thinking they ARE busy makes them feel elevated.

I am openly, patently, and proudly NOT busy! I used to be -- at the earlier days of my career, I worked full days, and then the nights were for rain making. Free time was for Wifey and the Ds -- I got a LOT done -- I used to joke that I did before 10 am than even the soldiers in the old US Army recruitment commercial.

So I guess that Ransom High and Temple Beth Am can rely on their critical missions being taken care of today.

As for us -- hopefully this conversion gets done before NEXT storm season. That's be beautiful.

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