Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Just Another Non Manic Monday

 The amazingly gorgeous Spring weather continues, and yesterday I took full advantage and walked through my 'hood to the tune of 4 miles. The weight stays on, so I guess I have to congratulate myself for prodigious eating, which prevents weight loss despite a lot of activity.

At 3, I went outside to watch the eclipse, such as it was in it's partiality in Miami. I did put up a colander, to make the cool crescent sun spots instead of the round ones you usually get. That was enough for me, and as the TV stations and social media types all posted their photos, I listened to the great Lieber and Stoller song, sung by Peggy Lee: "Is That All There Is?"

I wish an unusual astronomical event excited me, but...ah...not so much. I prefer to watch a really strong thunderstorm in the Summer here -- so long as the power isn't knocked out. I guess the positive ions of the falling water have that effect on me -- as I learned in freshman Chem now 45 years ago. Some lessons stay with you.

I spoke with the Ds, each dealing with, luckily, rich people issues: a new car for D1, and a potentially con man septic tank installer for D2. Luckily, D1 has my consuegro to handle her transactions -- a true car maven. Ricardo found her an amazing deal on a Tesla lease -- apparently sales have slowed since a lot of people think Elon Musk is an asshole. He is, of course, but his cars are terrific, and D1 announced she has nothing against South Africans.

It reminded me of my Dad explaining why Jews who made it out of the lower middle class always bought Cadillacs and never Lincoln Continentals -- since Henry Ford was such a raging anti-semite. And many Jews wouldn't think of buying a German car.

When it came time to consider my first BMW, I asked my father in law, a Survivor of the Shoah, what he thought. He had zero qualms, explaining that West German was a major ally of Israel, and BMW and Benz care were great. He was correct -- the 7 Series I leased was probably the finest car I ever had -- a huge, heavy thing that performed like a sports car.

In D2's case, the fellow they hired to replace a drain field keeps finding add -ons. When she and Jonathan said they needed another estimate, magically his number dropped a few k. I'm sure they'll get it worked out, along with the lesson that you can only use service people on actual recommendation from someone who used them.

In that regard, Kevin from Andrew Palmer Roofing came over, to look at a leak in our room above the garage. He explained that given the location, the roof was still good-- I just needed a repair. I appreciated his honesty.

After my day of the quotidian, I drove up to Miami Springs to meet Dr. Barry at Basilico, a local treasure right by MIA. They don't have a bar, and I was going to have a Peroni or two, but Barry wanted wine, and so we shared a bottle of a nice Chianti, and solved all issues of human nature, while thoroughly deconstructing the final episode of our shared beloved show, Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Today off to the gym, and maybe meet D2 for lunch in South Miami -- she's there for some appointments. I also have to call a leasing company in Orlando for a client from the past -- nice family I keep in touch with. I'll try to get the company to honor its contract. If they don't, I'll refer the client to a lawyer up in Orange County.

Wifey arrived in Cozumel, I think. She and her friends never disembarked in Nassau. I have a feeling they may forego Cozumel, too, but I'll get the report later.

I sail on in Pinecrest, meanwhile, in very pleasant waters...

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