Friday, January 26, 2024

Quotidian Week

 Nothing much happened the latter part of this week, which, as my Dad used to say, was just the way he liked it!

Wifey did give us some future lore, yesterday. D1 had asked her to fetch the Little Man from school, and Wifey got confused and fetched the Baby Man instead. D1 aged a bit when she rolled up a few minutes after Wifey had gone, and asked for her toddler, to be told "Someone else just fetched him!" Luckily, Wifey sent a picture, so D1 knew her youngest was fine.

They met on Biscayne, D1 got the Baby Man, and Wifey went to get the Little Man. All's well...

In fairness, they DO kind of look alike...

It reminded us of a similar mix up, from D2's preschool days. The staff would deposit your kid into the car seat, which they did for Wifey, and she drove off, to hear a voice saying "You're not my Mommy."

Indeed, D2's lookalike  Tania had been placed -- they had identical haircuts, and truly looked a lot alike. Wifey drove back and picked up the correct child. Funnily, Tania and D2 ended up classmates and sorority sisters at UF years later. I don't think they got mixed up anymore...

We have a weekend planned of a lot of nothing. D1 and her men are busy, and D2 and Jonathan have lots of new house stuff going on. I will walk a lot and watch football, unless something else pops up.

Next weekend we have a birthday -- D2 turns 32. Negotiations are underway about the restaurant to celebrate. Last year it was Il Gabbianno -- this year the early indications are steak.

Wow -- 32. For me that was 1992 -- the year D2 was born. It was an amazing year for me -- made my first big money, converted all our crap into insurance cash thanks to Hurricane Andrew, and, most importantly, welcomed D2. Watching that beautiful baby -- wow -- I daren't have dreamed the amazing woman she'd become, with an amazing husband and very large dog. Life happens.

So there's beauty in the usual, as usual. I have a Zoom shabbat at 6 -- so I can have my first cocktail since Sunday not alone. Wifey may invite over Ronnie, who lives in Deering Bay -- she's a fine drinking partner, too, though Wifey will have to drive her home.

Here's to the usual -- may it continue.

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