So Wifey and I were flattered -- our young, hip D2 and husband actually WANTED to meet us for dinner! They picked Nave in the Grove, and Wifey and I pulled up to see D2 waiting (she had Ubered from the Beach) being hugged by a large Sicilian man. It was our old friend Joel, with his Leslie Mann-like wonderful wife Courtney. They had a cocktail and were headed back to Ransom to watch their soccer playing son take on Westminster Christian. We asked if they wished to meet up after our dinner/their game, and they did.
Jonathan drove up, and we sat outside. Wifey reminded us the venue, although different restaurant, was where D1 introduced us to Joey -- now probably 7 years ago. I was feeling festive, and treated myself to a Stoli Elit martini. And then we looked up to seen another of our favorites -- pretty Chelsea, dear friend, former roommate, and sorority sister of D1.
Chelsea got her doctorate in PT at NYU after UF, and now works with Dr. Barry at Holtz. He and I are huge fans of the lovely young professional. She was meeting some friends for drinks. Again, feeling festive, I walked to the bartender and gave them the AMEX -- round of drinks on the old Dad.
We feasted, and laughed, and caught up. We toasted our families. Jonathan's Irish twin brother Dan and lovely wife Melanie just moved back to Miami from a sabbatical in LA and Kansas City -- so now all of Jonathan's full siblings and one of two half siblings are all in town. My two sets of consuegros and Wifey and I are lucky so and sos...
After dinner, Joel and Courtney walked over, and we went to Taurus, a bar they preserved when they built a new building. Taurus is an old Grove fixture -- there since the early 60s -- my friends and I used to drink there in 1979!
It was crowded with a nice mix of people -- beautiful young ones, dressed from holiday parties, and a few old Groveite hippies -- even older than Wifey and me!
Joel talked...a lot...about his new business, and Jonathan listened...a lot. He and Courtney adore "The kids," and enjoy spending time with them. Courtney's best college friend Jessica is married to a pretty famous comedian I'll call Jerry, since that's his name, and we always get a vicarious kick out of hearing about their time together. Last year Jerry and Jessica and their kids rented a whole floor at the Bal Harbor Ritz for a month.
My fellow LI raised Jewish kid made a few shekels. I still think his creative partner Larry is much funnier...
I checked the time and it was near midnight! What??? D2 asked "Who ARE you people?" Wifey drove us home, and in a show how the worm has turned, D2 texted asking if we made it home ok.
So it was a fine Friday night. Tonight we're awaiting old friends Dave and Maureen -- bringing in food. If my arm is twisted, I'll make martinis, or pour wine.
Gotta celebrate the days, and we're lucky to do it.
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