Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Big, Fat, Venezuelan Wedding Begins

And so last night it began, with an amazing Friday night rehearsal dinner at D2's fiance's parents' house. Jonathan's cousin Gabriel, more like a little brother to him, flew in from his Barcelona semester to be there. More than 10 people were there from California, including my Cali sister, nephew, and niece. Friends were from Atlanta, and the Midwest.

But the most schlep of all was my Florida sister and brother in law -- who informed me upon entering the house that it took "2 hours!!!!!" I told him he deserved a drink, which he got from my brother Paul, who stepped into bartending duty when the hired one failed to show.

And I made a humorous and stupid pre weekend move. I attended band camp, my euphemism for an outpatient procedure to try to tame a very unpleasant inheritance from my Dad -- hemorhoids. I had a treatment several weeks ago, and it was fine -- zero complications. But this time, on Wednesday, the nice young GI put in two bands, and, well, my bottom wasn't happy. I was visiting the loo, as the Brits say, every hour or so. It was supposed to go away in 48 hours, but by yesterday, it hadn't. I had visions of dashing from the chuppah. But, alas, I called the doc, and he told me to take a new miracle drug -- something called Tylenol. I replied that I didn't have pain, just urge. Go ahead, his assistant said. It was a miracle! I was right as rain within an hour, and actually enjoyed the party last night silly problem free. I packed plenty of Tylenol for the weekend, just in case...

Anyway -- the weather was gorgeous, and Lizbeth and David were wonderful hosts, for 80 of their closest friends and family, with a few from the bride's side. A singer sang, and was replaced by Mariachis, who were excellent. Often Mariachis are like bag pipers -- nice for a song or two, but then you wish they'd march away. But these guys were different -- with a wonderful woman singer. They had everyone dancing for hours.

The matriarch of Jonathan's family is his grandmother Judy. She lived a life more than worthy of a Hollywood movie -- surviving a Holocaust childhood in a convent near Budapest, for starters. We met her at the kids' UF graduation, in '14. She had fallen in love with D2 for her beloved grandson -- and at that time deemed them a couple.

Last night, she stuck out her hand, and said "David -- we did it." And so we had...

D1 gave a moving speech about D2 -- she's been almost like a sister to her. D1 is talented -- she public speaks for a living -- and all were blown away. Jonathan's sister spoke warmly about gaining a new sister, and then D2's three best buds from college spoke about their dear friend, and the Red Knight who rode into her life. And then Jonathan's best friend Andy spoke wonderfully, too.

We stayed well past midnight, and drove home. Today there was sharing of the first group of pictures, and we're leaving soon for South Beach and the Betsy Hotel.

I'll host a happy hour at 5, and then the big event tomorrow. So far, so good. It's been a long time coming. To 120 for D2 and her Jonathan!

1 comment: said...

This post started out slow, but it really picked up in the end! Tylenol!!