Saturday, February 24, 2018

Not Venturing Too Far

A few weeks ago, the young Turk in our law business came over for the first time, after he signed up some new clients in Homestead.  Vince grew up rich in LA, and came East after college in Indiana and Atlanta.  He's a confirmed bachelor, building a nice residential real estate portfolio. He had never been to our 'hood before.  He was blown away by its serenity and beauty. "Boy," he said "if I lived here I wouldn't leave too often."  Yesterday I followed his sage advice.

D1 had called the day before and asked whether Wifey and I would become foster parents -- for a sofa.  She bought some designer thing, barely used, from a FaceBook friend, and paid 1/3 the retail price.  But, her and Joey's house won't be ready until Summer -- could we keep the couch here until they took it?  We're already fostering Joey's parents' old dining set -- sitting in our garage until the newleyweds take it.

I have a rule:  I don't store stuff.  I've been asked by several friends to use my garage for stuff -- I politely refuse.  But of course my exception is the Ds and their men -- I will store (and schlep) for them.  The movers would be over in the afternoon.  I saw that as a fine excuse for staying home.  I never ventured past the front gate.  It was lovely.

Wifey left to meet her friend Jodi for a movie at the Falls. I played with my stock accounts online, and it was a fun day for that, as the markets went up, big.  I manage the Ds' accounts, and I tweaked some holdings a bit.

There was a dog nap to accomplish, too, and I acquitted myself well in that regard.  I read. I fed my pond fish.  I communed with my inner, lazy bum.

When my law firm was starting, in '94, Paul and I worked all kinds of crazy hours.  Normal business time was for moving the cases along, and after hours was for marketing -- taking countless referral sources to various events. 

A former relative is the laziest human I know.  Dude has never held a job for more than a few weeks. I used to remark that on most days, I did more before 10 am than he did in an entire month.  Now I've earned the right to have a few days like that fellow's entire life.

The couch arrived, and took its place in our living room.  I took a picture and sent it to D1 -- she was driving home from Ocean Reef -- the upscale resort and development where she consults with clients once per month. 

And in a lovely surprise, I heard the front door open -- it was D1.  She had dropped her intern Katie in South Miami, and decided to stop by.  Wifey came home, and we had a lovely evening -- getting take out from Big Tomato, a local sandwich and pizza place.  We caught up with D1, and her sister called -- on her way from NYC to the Hamptons -- for a weekend at her friend Ali's aunt's house.  She sent us photos of that house -- lovely place to stay, even with the less than optimal weather.

Today I'll leave the plantation.  Mike invited me to watch the Canes basketball game, and we'll have lunch at Titanic first.  And Monday I'll head to the office again.

But every once in awhile, it is lovely to commune with my inner lazy bum.  And to follow Vince's advice -- needing a good reason to leave this place.

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