Thursday, October 3, 2024

And So This Is RH --- And What Have You Done?

 So Wifey and I were off around 1, so she could meet D2 and 2 friends for at home pilates -- while I sat in the lovely office, occasionally visited by enormous Betsy and tiny Lemon. The latest routine is that D1 drops off her skittish Spaniel, and he and Betsy spend the day together -- very happily.

At 330, D2 and I loaded the 2 dogs into the car, and it was off to fetch Little Man at school. We brought him to D2's house, and let him enjoy a few gummies and "Tia D2 coffee," which is steamed milk, as he watched "Nightmare Before Christmas," which he loves -- he sings along and dances to some of the songs.

I was suffused with such a peaceful, easy feeling -- the dogs napping, Wifey on her phone per usual, and D2 and her nephew on the couch.

Around 530 we left for D1's house, and the fun of Baby Man -- the two boys were gussied up for the RH dinner. We arrived at my consuegros, and Jackie, who only drinks when I'm there, asked if I wouldn't mix us some RH cocktails? I would, and we toasted the coming year as the guests arrived.

Sephardim do a small seder at RH, and we each read a bit of the symbolism -- much of which is the hope for a sweet new year. Joey's brothers and sister in law and her Mom and other kids were there, as well as Jackie's BFF since age 5, with her jovial, retired Marine officer husband. He's Cuban Catholic, but has become totally encased in the world of Colombian Jews -- we chatted about world affairs, and made sure neither of us were carrying pagers. He had experience with Mossad, he said, back in the 70s -- he said they were indeed a different breed.

We drank, and ate, and laughed. The kids ran around outside. Baby Man went home with nanny Claudia, for sleep. Around 10, we all dispersed -- a lovely way to ring in 5785 -- with the requisite jokes about it being Passover and still writing 5784 on our checks.

I drove us home, and discussed Wifey's upcoming trip to Atlanta -- she's making me a bachelor for a week. I told her Dr. Barry had brought up whether I might ever reconcile with her host -- I assured Wifey it was NEVER going to happen.

Indeed, as I age, I take a much harder look about who to leave in, and who to leave out, and there are far more of the latter. Each day is simply too precious.

Can I forgive peoples' actions based on their mental illness, Barry enquired? I can, but that doesn't mean I have to endure them -- other than truly inner circle members of my life.

Today I plan to tune into some online services -- at least hear the shofar blow virtually. I know I'm supposed to gather with my peeps on these days, and I did, for many years. But inside, I was always late for the shul door -- some parts of my Dad's issues with organized religion remain deep seated.

But I will also saunter over to the pond out front with some breadcrumbs, and toss my sins to the koi, cichlids, and turtles. Hopefully the water doesn't boil.

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