Sunday, September 15, 2024

Successful Sleepover

 So our oldest grandson turns 5 in December, and had yet to have a sleepover with us. His parents have gone out of town, and a nanny PLUS family member stayed at the house, but the traditional sleepover never happened, on account of D1 and Joey are, well, a bit overprotective. Also, I worried that if the Little Guy got homesick, there would be a 35 minute midnight drive to re-home him from our house in Pinecrest.

As usual, D2 came up with a splendid solution. Her man was away at a bachelor's retreat in South Carolina -- why not have Little Man, and Wifey and me, stay over at HER house. This way, if there were any issues, we would be a four minute drive away.

So yesterday Wifey, the special needs Spaniel Bo, and I headed to D1's house -- and D2 came over with her enormous dog, Betsy. I wanted to watch the Canes game -- I had given my tickets to my consuegros, who love to go. Sure enough, the game was delayed 2.5 hours by lightning in the area -- but my consuegros hung out in the Club, having a great time.

Joey found the game for me on his smart tv, which is necessary since I am a dumb user. We poured a few cocktails, and brought in Pinch Kitchen for dinner. We left at halftime.

Well, the evening went wonderfully. Little Man never once mentioned his parents. Wifey and I popped him in between us on the guest king sized bed, along with the Spaniel Bo. He got to stay up way later than usual, and as I told him stories like I used to tell his Mother and Aunt, he fell deeply asleep. Wifey soon followed, but I was restless.

Around 130 am, I decamped to the living room couch, and Betsy was happy to have the company. I think I slept around 3 hours, tops. At 530, I heard talking and laughter from upstairs. Little Man had awoken, got into Wifey's face, and asked my whereabouts. She told him, and he turned to his IPad.

I knew that Bagel Barn East, our chosen provider, opened at 630. I called at 615 and they answered -- there WOULD be bagels. Little Man decided to accompany me, and spent the time looking over all of the delicious desserts, planning which ones he would have on future visits. The boy is VERY into his food.

We brought home the bagels, nova, cream cheese, and some cookies, along with a quart of chicken soup for D1 to fight a cold she picked up, and ate happily. The boy has non stop energy -- I always wonder how older guys marry younger women and become Dads again in their 50s and 60s. Actually, as I think about it, I get sweaty hands...

There was a walk down the hot, humid street. We met the nice neighbor D2 calls "Betsy's treat dealer," since she always has snacks for the dogs of the 'hood. We went to another neighbor who has a koi pond out front -- Little Man knew this -- and he fed them. Then it was back home, where his Tia D2 brought him a large Home Depot empty box so he could play "Evil Robot." He told me he was "Stealing all my power." On such little sleep, it was already gone.

Around 930, we drove home -- I played Santa Claus with the bagels and nova. Joey took Baby Man for a bike ride, and the Ds took Little Man to a Padel lesson. Wifey and I begged off -- we made it home in a half hour's drive, and I found my way to the sofa for a 1.5 hour nap. Wifey took one afterwards.

So now, we know we CAN have Little Man at our house. The following am, there WILL be bagels again -- though likely at LOL.

The Dolphins didn't lose today, as they didn't play, and so it was a fine football watching day for me. And Dr. Barry's team, the Jets, DID win, and I was happy for that -- he needs some cheering lately.

A new week awaits. Grandparenting is a lovely gig.

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