Monday, September 9, 2024

Got A Call From An Old Friend, We Used to Be Real Close...

 So the capybara experience turned out to be a non starter. We met D1 and her men at Jungle Island, and she had pre-registered, giving all of our dates of birth. The surprisingly sharp young man at the ticket booth realized that Little Man was 4. You have to be 6 to experience the world's largest rodents, and despite the fact that Little Man is indeed the size of many 6 year olds, we were turned down. We got fat refunds, which was fine, and saw the attraction without the capys.

The boys saw the other animals and enjoyed the inflatable splash park. The place closed at 5, and we had told Little Man they had sloths. A very lovely park ranger, if that's what they're called, gave us a quick guided tour of the sloths, who were on branches acting, well, slothful. But it made for a nice end to the afternoon.

Wifey and I left, and stopped off at Titanic on our way home -- I've been cutting carbs the last 3 weeks in an attempt to go from circus-like to zaftig, and wanted their great chef's salad and chili. It was, all in all, a fine weekend.

And then this am I had a long call from a dear friend, about someone who used to be very close to him, but they haven't spoken in most of the year, on account of some sour business dealings. What did I think of the situation?

Well, I answered, I like to think I am first an empiricist, and in my experience, the analysis is whether your life is better, or worse, without the person. A third option is your life is no better or worse, and to me, that counts as a negative -- not worth the effort of reviving a friendship.

I've lost several along the way -- either acutely, or by chronic decay. The latter happens when we had many similar interests, or lived close by, and then that changed. The former is when either I or the other guy did something friendship ending.

One very close college and after friend asked me for a $50K loan to start what I thought was a questionable business. I refused, especially since I knew he had divorced and then remarried his wife, and had paid her serious 7 figures -- why not just get the money from her? "Oh no -- she says she'll never trust me -- she is holding the whole settlement."

I explained that a business loan I had given to another old college friend had gone bad, and I learned the friend was living a very high life, with a home in Coral Gables and private school for his kid, on, essentially, my dime. I pledged there would never be another family or friend loan -- only a gift -- with the exception of nuclear family members only -- since if they borrow money and don't pay it back, they just lose later on in Probate Court...

The friend said he always felt I was closer than a brother, and when I refused the loan, it was something he could never get past. I told him I was sorry he felt that way, wished him the best, and that, as they say, was that.

And now years later, is my life better or worse without this fellow? I'd have to say neutral, and that's ok.

Such was my morning advice, which I can dispense freely these days.

In any event, thankfully not much more going on, and as my Dad used to say, that's just the way I like it. Now if the Canes just keep winning...

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