Saturday, May 11, 2019

Limo Liberal

As I grow older, I am becoming more and more politically conservative. I'll never become a Republican, of course -- that party is even MORE nutty -- but the Democratic party of three generations of my family is getting harder and harder to stomach.

I read recently how FaceBook and other social media was designed to bring people closer together, and it has had the opposite effect. I've seen it myself -- people I have friended I have had to unfriend -- typically when they bash Israel. I'm not religious, but I AM a proud Zionist, as my parents were, and particularly when someone Jewish takes the side against Israel, I tend to say adios to them.

One example is a young man I'll call Sheldon, since that's his name. He is the son of a friend I admire greatly. I admire the Dad since he never really worked that hard at his profession, and used to make fun of those of us who got our hands dirty "chasing cases," and he ended up doing amazingly well by becoming the boyfriend of a very wealthy divorcee. Ah -- that ain't workin', that's the way you do it, as Mark Knopfler sang.

Anyway, his boy posted ultra liberal stuff, much of which was actually very anti-Israel and even anti Jew. I finally couldn't take it, and hit the unfriend button.

Another pet peeve (today seems to be a day of care and feeding of pet peeves) is a friend who, like Sheldon's Dad, hit it big financially by marrying VERY well. She's a lawyer who didn't practice for very long, but married a fellow who hit it HUGE in the music industry. I'm thrilled for him.

But she posts constantly about very liberal things -- we should ditch our cars and bike, private schools are evil instillers of white privilege, etc...I actually share the view about public schools -- the Ds both attended and learned more about diversity than I ever did growing up in lily white Levittown, but I would never come down against those who choose to send their kids private like she has in recent screeds.

So, fine, she is liberal and rich...good for her. But the latest is a series of passionate posts AGAINST new LA zoning that would, if I follow correctly, disrupt her glorious historic neighborhood by letting in more dense development, and, apparently, poor folks' housing.

In other words -- all for helping the poor until they get too damn close to those of us in privileged rich 'hoods.

So many zealots totally brush past their hypocrisy.  Conservatives say "less government!" but have no problem telling women what to do with their bodies.

My Ds always exhort me to get the hell off Facebook. They're right. But it is very entertaining, and, to be honest, satisfies the part of me wanting to see what acquaintances are up to.

And it plays out narratives. I now really want to know how zoning turns out in rich West Hollywood. Will high rises be built next to former movie star houses?

I plan to watch...

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