Friday, June 29, 2018

I've Seen Enough I Don't Wanna See Any More

So it happened again, yesterday, and this time in Maryland: an abject loser took down some of life's winners, and then simpered under a desk and got arrested.  Just like the Parkland shooting -- except there the loser walked away before getting arrested.

I saw the story all over the news when I came home early from work, and I thought immediately about Barry, whose wonderful son Scott is a journalism student at Maryland, and interning this summer at a news room, like the one that got hit yesterday.

He called me on the way home, and we talked about the chance you take living life, and how when the tragedy du jour is somehow closer to you, it hurts worse. D2's boyfriend Jonathan jogs on the path that a loser Islamic terrorist used to run down people last year. We were just in Paris, where the terrorists seem to enjoy gathering. And now yesterday...

Sure enough, I read this am there's a Miami connection -- a favorite writer, Carl Hiassen, had a brother who was a writer in Annapolis who was killed. Another victim was a sports writer alum of, of course, Maryland.

And the loser was upset that a girl who rejected him filed charges, and the paper covered the story.

There'll be more political whining about guns and mental health, and it'll happen again.

In older times, out species got picked off by sabre toothed tigers. Now the monsters tend to be human, except every once in awhile, like the tale of the small woman in SE Asia eaten by a python...

It's just sickening. The winners work, get themselves educated, look forward to full lives, and the losers sulk and sometimes get guns and shoot them down.

As my Ds will report, since they were about 4 I repeatedly taught them the lesson that indeed life is NOT fair.  Often, it's also tragic.

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