Sunday, August 6, 2017

Back in the 305

So during the 9 days in the Pacific Northwest, I never adapted to Pacific time.  I stayed Eastern Daylight, baby -- going to sleep by 9 or so, up at 4am.  So jet lag wasn't much of an issue -- just needed a nice nap Friday, and I was good to go.

Wifey was another story.  There must have been tse tse flies around Crater Lake.  So while she rested, I met John at Town in South Miami, to get caught up on the office chisme.  After a few drinks, I decided to play bachelor gentleman, and walked over to No Name Chinese -- the gourmet place opened a few months back by some Ransom Everglades grads.  I sat at the food bar and ate deliciously spicy chicken -- served in great detail by a lovely young black waitress.  When the bill came, I paid with a $50, and left to go home.  As I was starting the car, I realized she had given me change as if I paid with a $100. I walked back inside to give her the money -- she nearly cried with gratitude.

I practice classic situational ethics.  If Verizon undercharged me, I'd let it pass.  But a local restaurant, where worse, a young girl would have to take the hit?  No way...

Saturday it was back to road work -- fast walking 3.3 miles to fit into my new tux for the wedding, and more importantly, to keep cardiologists at bay.  This am I got up early and put in another 2.2.  My friend Jeff had asked me to invite him on the walks.  I did last night, but he doesn't do well with last minute plans -- my walking will remain a solitary activity, except for the strange rescue dog who trots along for part of the way.

I met Barry and his family at LOL -- an early goodbye breakfast for Scott before he returns to College Park for his junior year.  Truly it seems like a few months past he left as a freshman.  Afterwards, the family came over -- Wifey had finally gotten out of bed, and D1 and Joey were over following their final pre wedding meeting with His Holiness, the Rabbi.  All is now ready to go.

D1 and Joey left, and Donna and Josh decamped to Florida City Outlet Center for some no tax bargains.  Barry and Scott and Wifey and I sat around and talked -- about life, days past, and days yet to come.  Between the two couples, only 2 grandmothers remain -- and we compared notes on the sacredness but difficulty of caring for failing parents...What are ya gonna do?

So the dog days in Miami continue -- hopefully no major storms to deal with -- and soon Labor Day will be upon us.  I've booked a room on the top of the world for that weekend -- and I look forward to staying at the lofty height...

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