Thursday, March 23, 2017

Da Noive of Some Advice Seekers

So the last two weeks brought two seekers of my expertise, such as it is, and both were pains in the tuches.

Last week, a young man whose mother I know was arrested upstate, and the entire affair was shown on the news.  He called, as did his mother (he's a tender child of 35 or so) and I sent them to a lawyer I know in Orlando whose nickname is "Little Ear"on account of the fact that he has one normal sized and one small ear.  Little Ear took on the case, giving the charged man a discount since he came from me.  Done with that one, or so I thought.

The young fellow than send a lengthy text, asking for more advice, but really he wasn't.  He just wished me to know how unfair everything was, and how he was targeted and prosecuted and tormented for no reason.  I shared with him the advice I have given my Ds since they were about 4:  in fact, life ISN'T fair.  Really?  The grown man, who in fact doesn't look too innocent on the news video I saw, needs to hear that from me?

The second came from an old acquaintance at the bank -- asking me for advice about divorce lawyers.  I agreed to meet her after work, to share who I thought was good, and who wasn't.  She canceled the meeting last week, and then insisted we meet this week instead.

Yesterday came, and around three I was done with justice for the day, but I hung around -- I had promised the young banker I would meet after the bank closed.  Around 4 -- no word -- so I emailed asking if we were still on.  No -- ïn a meeting"-- how about another day?  Nah.

I'm a crochety old guy, but two cancels is the limit for me -- particularly if the meeting won't be in some way to my benefit.  The young banker can consult others in her quest for a referral -- this dude ain't waiting around no more...

I'm extremely sensitive about wasting others' time.  I can be as selfish as anyone, but not at the expense of other people.  If I make an appointment, I keep it, assuming no hell or high water.

I last asked a favor of a neighbor who is an ENT doc -- to check on a sore throat that just wouldn't go away.  The fellow, Brian, emailed he would see me before his regular office hours.  I brought him a couple of bottles of a nice red wine I get from Leon's Liquors -- he appreciated the gesture.  How could I not? 

The Ds have learned this lesson well.  Anyone referring clients to D1 is made to feel very glad they did.  When D2 left her last job, she properly thanked her boss for the experience she had been given.

My Ds never want anyone to say about them "Da noive!

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