Monday, March 7, 2016

The End of the Dog Drama -- Or Is IT???????

So Wifey and I spent an entire Sunday in service of she who we really don't like -- my mother in law -- but nonetheless must be taken care of. We met Lenny, our nine year tenant, and fetched back the keys and gate clickers, and thanked Lenny for being a fine steward of the absurdly overpriced condo I bought during the pre crash frenzy, and will probably have to keep in to the 2030s to get back what I paid. Lenny thanked us for keeping his rent at 2006 levels. I think the unit looks fine, but Wifey wants it painted and fixed up, and this is her deal, so she will now undertake that project. From there, we traveled to Century Village and after lunch at the "Hello Ladies -- is ANYthing Ok? Cafe," we went to my mother in laws and continued with the schlepping-like job of hauling stuff to the dumpster, and separating out what Goodwill might take. We do share an inside joke. My mother in law, years ago, read about the need to shred old bills and papers. So she has stored, no kidding, maybe 3 huge trash bags worth of papers dating back to the George Bush administration. She handed them to Wifey, and directed her "SCHVED them." So, one by one, I removed them, telling her I was taking them to the car, to be returned to Miami and the "shredding place," and instead tossed them whole into the dumpster. If someone wants to steal my mother in law's identity, I welcome them. They'd have to be less annoying and a burden than she is -- I'll happily support some Eastern European hacker instead... We returned home, and awaited Deb, who was picking us up in her classic late 50s Ford Fairlaine, to meet Norman in the Roads, a neighborhood where Norman grew up. The Roads was mostly Jewish and Greek, and then became almost completely Cuban, and now is returning to non Latin, as the younger first time home buyers have been priced out of the Gables and Grove, and are buying "back" some of their grandparent's houses. We had a great dinner, and Wifey received the response from the crazy dog program lady. As I read her email, my feelings toward her shifted from anger to pity. She actually said that one of Wifey's many misdeeds was bringing stuffed animals to the library for the kids, in violation of "Ellen's rules." Her complaints and responses to Wifey's letter to the Library Committee woman were well written, and showed that Ellen really has no other life. So I decided to let it go...although now Wifey is hopping angry, and may "take this to the top." I plan to ask Bo the crippled Spaniel what HE thinks, and add that to the discussion. So it's Monday, and back to the office. We have some cases nearing completion, and I plan to shepherd them along, to keep us all in high kibble. Life, as Paul Simon sang -- I love you... all is groovy.

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