Friday, December 30, 2011

Hadn't Been There in Awhile

My old friend Kenny's wife and boys decamped up the coast to spend some time with Joelle's mother, and Kenny suggested a boys' night out. As always, I was game.

Kenny suggested Indian food, which happens to be my LEAST favorite, but since I eat anything that doesn't move (in the case of fresh sushi, sometimes it moves a little) I agreed. But then fate in the form of a flat tire struck, and Ken needed a ride from the Mobil Station at 104th and US 1, and a ride home to South Miami afterward.

I picked him up, and realized it'd be some extra driving, and as an old freakin' guy, I hesitated. Then I looked up at the enormous billboard over the Shell Station on the South side of 104 Street, and told Kenny it was fated that I introduce him to Keg South. He was game.

I drove into the almost hidden road one needs to get there, and parked. The place hasn't changed at all since I started going in 1979, although I seem to remember there was more space around it then. Now, it's truly packed in, with a small parking lot.

My college buds and I used to go there to watch games, eat burgers, and drink beer. They also shot pool, which I was never really good at, so I practiced more beer drinking.

Sure enough, there were folks playing pool, drinking beer, eating wings, and watching football. FSU was playing Notre Dame. I like the Noles when they don't play the Canes, and LOVE whoever is playing Notre Dame, so I had some interest in the game.

D2 used to go to Keg South sometimes after high school. Many Palmetto teachers gathered there after class, to try to cleanse themselves with beer all of their students' pathology.

Sure enough, last night at a long table there were some late 20s folks, most of whom were FSU grads, and looked like young teachers. They drank beer and asked who thought Notre Dame's new glittery gold helmets looked stupid. Knowing, or assuming they were teachers, I raised my hand. They laughed.

Kenny and I shared a pitcher of Sam Adams. He remarked that he rarely gets to drink pitchers of beer -- going to more upscale and exotic places with his wife, the pitchers tend to be of mojitos, or sangria... We thoroughly enjoyed our pitcher of Sam Adams, and the frosted mugs that came with it.

The wings were fine, and the burgers delicious. We chatted about places we've lived (a short discussion for me --just LI and Miami) and a long one for Kenny, given his long career in the Navy. We talked about our kids, and college choices, and how times have changed since we met in about 1972...

Ken's a retired full Navy Captain, which is a big deal, but has kept his lefty politics. This gives him gravitas when a chicken hawk questions his patriotism...he asked what battles the neocon fought in. Ken was a flight surgeon on a carrier during the Gulf War.

The game was a good one, with a great ending when Notre Dame's turnovers cost them the game. Ah, it always makes me feel all warm inside when those sanctimonious phonies lose...imagining

A very nice night, inded. I will visit the Keg more often.

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